Advanced Limiting in Global Update

In Global Update, you can refine a search and reduce the number of records retrieved by using advanced limiting. Advanced limiting enables you to use Boolean search conditions and specify multiple criteria by which to limit.

  1. Choose Global Update from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve a group of records.
  3. Choose Tools | Limit from the menu.
  4. In the Advanced Limit dialog box, choose the Append Line button.
  5. Enter the data by which to limit:
Type Enter a record type
Field Enter a field from the chosen record type
Condition Enter a Boolean search condition
Value A Enter the data by which you want to limit
Value B If you selected a Condition that requires a second limit value (e.g., between), enter that data in the Value B cell.
  1. (Optional) Specify additional limit criteria.
  2. (Optional) Delete limit criteria.
  3. Choose OK to close the Advanced Limit dialog box.
  4. Choose the Search button located at the top of the Select records tab to apply the limit to the records in the browse list. Your limit criteria appear in the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
Clearing Limits from Subsequent Searches

The limit you create applies to all subsequent searches in the current session unless you clear the limit. To clear the limit, choose Tools | Limit from the menu and select the Clear All button in the Advanced Limit dialog box.

Specifying Additional Limit Criteria

To specify additional limit criteria:

  1. Specify your criteria for the first limit.
  2. Choose the Append button to add a limit criterion after the last criterion in the table or choose the Insert button to add a limit criterion before the selected criterion.
  3. In the Operator cell of the new limit criterion, choose "and" or "or."
  4. Specify the criteria for the new limit.

You can create an unlimited number of limiting criteria.

Deleting Limit Criteria

To remove a limit criterion from the table:

  1. Select the row or rows of the limit(s) you want to remove.
  2. Choose the Delete button to remove the selected row(s).