Suppressing Resources Based on Displayed Records

If the target resource is assigned to the same category as the user's origin and is appropriate to the user's session, but would not offer useful additional information based on data from the bibliographic record, you can suppress the link with a data test.

For example, if you routinely offer a resource link from WebPAC to an online general encyclopedia, but the encyclopedia does not offer useful additional information in a given subject area, you can suppress the link to it for a range of call numbers. Create a data test for the retrieved bibliographic record's call number. If the call number passes the data test, the link to the resource displays when the record is retrieved. If the call number fails the data test, the link is suppressed.

Alternatively, if you routinely offer a resource link from WebPAC to an online resource that is restricted in scope, you can suppress the link when the bibliographic record is not within that scope. For example, for a resource such as a database of author's biographies, you can suppress the link if the displayed record does not contain a value in the AUTHOR field.

Suppressing links based on bibliographic record fields is most commonly done for:

Two data test types are most commonly used to suppress links based on bibliographic record fields: