Notices: Where to print Patron Name & Address

Use this option to specify the position and size of the patron address block. If you wish to print additional patron information above and/or below the name and address, count those line(s) when setting the height of the patron address block (see option Notices: Fields from patron record on notices). For instance, a library that has a four line patron address and wishes to print the "department" above the patron's name, would make the patron address block five lines high.

This option is also used to indicate whether the patron's telephone number should be printed below the last line of the patron address block or in some other position on the form (e.g., you might specify another position so that the phone number will not show in the address window of an envelope). This option only establishes the position for the phone number; the staff person decides whether or not it will actually be printed when the notices are generated. If the phone number will print below the last line of the patron address block, do not count the line when setting the height of the block.

Notices: Where to print Patron Name & Address

PATRON'S NAME/ADDRESS: Starting Column   10      Starting Line   14
                       Width             60      Height           4
TELEPHONE NUMBER:      Starting Column   10      Starting Line   10

  N > change position of NAME/ADDRESS  R > RETURN to circulation menu
  T > change position of TELEPHONE #
  D > DISPLAY/PRINT sample form
  Choose one (N,T,D,R)

When you select T > Change position of TELEPHONE #, if the previous setting was "Prints below last line of NAME/ADDRESS", the system prompts for the starting column and line for the phone number. If a position was specified previously, the system offers the choice of changing the position or having the phone number print as the "last line" of the address:

New position for patron telephone number on notice
Current Values: Starting column   15     Starting line   20

1 > Choose new Starting Column
2 > Choose new Starting Line
3 > Make telephone number print as last line of address
4 > Return to circulation menu

Choose one: (1-4) _
See also:
Formatting Options for Default Notices