Review File Maintenance

To access Sierra Review File Maintenance, the following permissions must be assigned:

  • 186 (Review file list administrator)
  • 272 (Advanced System Administration)

See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The optional Review File Maintenance feature allows you to:

If the review file is in use (that is, it has a value in the Name column) and contains records, do not change the maximum to a number lower than the number of records currently stored in the review file. Doing so will truncate the review file contents to the new maximum and discards excess records if the file is sorted.

Any number of review files can exist on the system. You can specify the number of records allocated to each review file, in any combination, up to the maximum available for the total set of review files. At many libraries, a maximum of 1,250,000 records can be allocated (as in the example below). Contact Innovative to purchase a larger number.

The review file parameters table contains the following columns:

# The review file number, which the user selects when specifying a review file to create, modify, or view.
# of Records The number of records currently allocated to each review file.
Current The number of records in each review file.
Name The review file name.

Above the table, the system displays:

Records used The number of records currently allocated to review files.
Records available The number of records remaining for allocation.
Records max The total number of records, both allocated and available.

Change Records Allocated

To change the number of records allocated to a review file:

  1. Locate the review file whose allocation you want to change. The Admin app displays the review files in groups of 50. Click the forward (>>) or back (<<) arrows above the table to navigate the list.
  2. Click the # of Records cell.
  3. Enter a new allocation by either typing it into the cell or use the + or - keys to increase or decrease the allocation in blocks of 500.
  4. Click RECALCULATE to update the listed review file parameters and confirm that the system will support your changes.
  5. Click SAVE.

Although review files are usually described as "containing records," they actually contain only the database record numbers. If record numbers are removed from a review file, the records themselves still exist in the database.

Add Review Files

To add review files:

  1. Click the add another link at the bottom of the page. A new row is added at the end of the review file list.
  2. Enter the maximum number of storable records in the # of Records column of the new row.
  3. Click RECALCULATE to update the listed review file parameters and confirm that the system will support your changes.
  4. Click SAVE.

If there are no records available for allocation, the add another link will not appear on the menu. In this case, you must either change the maximum number of records for one or more existing review files or delete one or more review files.

Delete Review Files

You can delete the last review file in the list. To delete a review file:

  1. Use the forward (>>) arrow above the table to navigate to the last row in the list.
  2. Click the trashcan icon in the far right column of the last row.
  3. Click RECALCULATE to update the listed review file parameters and confirm that the system will support your changes.
  4. Click SAVE.