REARRANGE attached records alphabetically by location

Innovative can define alternate location names that are used only for sorting purposes by the REARRANGE function. In this way, your library can customize the order in which attached records from different locations display. Contact Innovative to enable the alternate location names feature.

As you add each holdings, order, and item record to the database, Sierra attaches the record to the appropriate bibliographic record as the last attached record. The order in which the records are attached to the bibliographic record (in combination with the Locations Served table) determines the order in which the records display in WebPAC. As a result, you might need to re-group attached records by location, so that records from the same location display consecutively in WebPAC and other displays.

The REARRANGE function in Admin Corner enables you to sort attached records by the branch names associated with the 5-character location codes in the BRANCH (location) codes table.

Sort Order for Multiple Attached Records from the Same Location

When rearranging records by location, Sierra retains attached records from the same location in the order they were in prior to the rearrangement.

To rearrange attached records by location:

  1. Choose the REARRANGE option in Admin Corner. The system prompts you for an input file.
  2. Choose an option:
    R > RANGE of record numbers
    Process a range of records.
    B > BOOLEAN review file
    Process records from a review file.
  3. Choose which type(s) of records you want to sort:
    Sort holdings (checkin) records only.
    I > ITEM
    Sort item records only.
    O > ORDER
    Sort order records only.
    A > ALL
    Sort attached records of all three types.

    When you have specified the record type(s) for sorting, the system prompts:

    Begin processing?

  4. Enter 'y'.

    The system reports on its progress as it processes the bibliographic records. When the process is complete, the system reports how many records it actually rearranged, that is, the number of bibliographic records that had their attached records sorted by location. For example:

    		Rearranging attached records...
    	Review file: Records with location "multi", 5.94
    	Selected record type: Item
    	1704 of 1704 records
    	Current record: b1945512
    	Rearranged 1501 records
    Press <SPACE> to continue