Rapid Updating for YTDCIRC

Use the RAPID updating for YTDCIRC option in Admin Corner to update the YTDCIRC and LYRCIRC fields.

The Sierra system can use the YTDCIRC field in the item record to automatically total the number of times an item has been checked out during the current statistical period (for example, this year). The system can also use the LYRCIRC field to store the number of times an item was checked out during the last statistical period (for example, last year). Contact Innovative if you are interested in setting up this ability.

When you choose the RAPID updating for YTDCIRC option in Admin Corner:


You can press <Esc> at any time to abandon this update.

  1. The system prompts you to maintain YTDCIRC and LYRCIRC.

    Enter y in response if you want to update the LYRCIRC field with the data contained in the YTDCIRC field; press n if you want to update fields in the item record other than YTDCIRC and LYRCIRC.


    If a previous run has not yet completed, or if the process failed and stopped, the system displays the message "The last maintenance of YTDCIRC and LYRCIRC totals did not complete successfully," with details regarding the run. The message offers the option to continue or stop YTDCIRC and LYRCIRC maintenance.

  2. When you press y, the system indicates that a full backup is recommended as soon as possible following maintenance of YTDCIRC and LYRCIRC.

    Press C to continue or Q to cancel out of Rapid Updating for YTDCIRC.

  3. If you continue, the system prompts you to zero the YTDCIRC totals.

    If you press y in response, the system zeros the entry in the YTDCIRC field, so that you can begin a fresh count for the new statistical period.

  4. The system then offers you the option to either add YTDCIRC to LYRCIRC, or replace LYRCIRC with the number in YTDCIRC.

    The ADD option allows you to keep a running total in the LYRCIRC field, by adding the number in the YTDCIRC field to the number in the LYRCIRC field.

    The REPLACE option allows you to store the number of circulations from the statistical period which is just closing, by replacing the number in LYRCIRC with the number in YTDCIRC.

  5. The system prompts you to update the records in a review file.
    Rapid Updating Using Review Files

    A review file can be used to specify which items will be updated during the YTDCIRC Rapid Update process. Note that if you want to update every record in the database in the same manner, it is faster to perform the Rapid Update without the use of review files. For more information on review files, see Creating Lists (Review Files).

    If you choose n, you must key a range of records you would like updated.

    If you choose y to update the records in the review file, the system displays a menu of all review files on your system.

    1. Choose the review file (by number) you wish to perform the rapid update on. Note that the review file you select must contain the type of records you have selected for rapid updating.
    2. The system notifies you of the number of records in the selected review file that will be processed. Choose UPDATE to proceed with updating the records in the review file or QUIT to quit the Rapid Update Program. After the system completes the record processing, it displays a message stating the number of records that were updated. The system does not update records if both the LYRCIRC and YTDCIRC fields contain zeroes.