Creating a New Private Key File for the Admin Corner

After setting up your SSH connection for the first time, you can create a new SSH private key at any time. Your library might want to change the SSH private key periodically for security purposes.

When you create a new private key file, Sierra deletes the old file. Other staff members using the old SSH key will no longer be able to access the Admin Corner and will need to configure their SSH clients with the new private key file as described below.

  1. Log on to the Sierra Administrative Application.
  2. Select Back End Management | System Files.
  3. Click Admin Corner on the System Files page. Sierra displays the Admin Corner tab, which includes the date and time Sierra created the last private key file.
  4. Click Create New Private Key File. Sierra prompts you with the following message.

This action will delete the existing private key and create a new one. Do you want to continue?

  1. Click OK to continue. Sierra deletes the existing private key file and generates a new one.
  2. Complete steps 2-5 in Setting Up a PuTTY SSH Connection to configure your SSH client with the new private key file.