Transfer file of barcodes to a Review File

The T > TRANSFER file of barcodes to a Review File option in the Inventory Control menu allows you to transfer a file of barcodes scanned in using a portable bar code reader to a review file.

Manually Compiling Files

To manually compile a file to upload and process, see Formatting Transaction Files for Uploading: rd* File Formats.

The barcodes in the file do not have to be in shelf list order.

By using Create Lists, you can print the barcode and circulation status of the scanned items in order to inventory items which are in special locations, such as in a carrel.

When you select the T > TRANSFER file of barcodes to a Review File menu option, system prompts:

Select Review File to Transfer To
    NAME                                   CUR RECS  MAX RECS
1 > Empty                                        0     60000
2 > Empty                                        0     10000
3 > Empty                                        0     10000

Select review file to work on :
Choose one (1-3,Q)

Choose a review file by entering its line number. The system prompts you to enter a name for it:

Enter Review File Name:

Once you have entered a name and pressed <RETURN>, the system displays a screen similar to the following:

 Transfer File of Barcodes to Review File Bret Example(lbt 3/5/12)

       Files To Transfer   Date Created        # of Items          
   1 > rdicarrels          05-16-12 01:47PM    6
   2 > rdijsh              12-11-11 09:25PM    8
   3 > rdijsh2             12-11-11 09:25PM    8
   4 > rdi0823035031       12-11-11 09:25PM    15
   5 > rdi0823040632       12-11-11 09:25PM    15
   6 > rdi0909030854       12-11-11 09:25PM    10
   7 > rdi0823041313       12-11-11 09:25PM    15
Key a NUMBER(1-7) to transfer file, or
R > REMOVE inventory files                Q > QUIT
V > VIEW an inventory file
Choose one (1-7,R,V,Q)

Choose the barcodes (rdi) file you would like to transfer to a review file by entering its line number. The system prompts you:

Transfer completed. Remove transferred file rdicarrels? (y/n?)

When the data has been transferred to a review file, you can safely remove the barcodes (rdi) file from the system.

Use the standard Create Lists functions to create the inventory list the library needs, e.g., to print the barcode and circulation status of the scanned items in order to verify that they are checked out to the particular carrel in which they were found.