
The ItemCheckout endpoint allows you to check out an item as a patron. This endpoint automatically tries to renew an item if the specified patron currently has the item checked out unless the transacting branch has renewals blocked in Polaris Administration (staff client).




Authorization Required?


URI Parameters






The patron's barcode.

Request Body XML







Request Body XML




Barcode of item.

LogonBranchID Current branch (can default to System [1]).


Current user (can default to PolarisExec).


Current workstation (can default to OPACDefault).

XML Elements Returned




PAPI error code. Negative values represent errors and are defined here.

Note: On successful completion, the PAPI error code is populated with a positive integer representing the number of rows returned.

ErrorMessage Error or information message.
ItemRecordID The Polaris item record identifier associated with the specified item barcode.

Indicates whether the item was already checked out to the specified patron.

  • true - check out is a renewal

  • false - check out is not a renewal

DueDate Due date for returning the item.

Charge for checking out the item.

If the ChargeAmount > 0 and the PAPIErrorCode is 0 (Success), then the patron was charged the specified amount. Otherwise, the ChargeAmount is informational (in other words, the patron was not charged the specified amount if the PAPIErrorCode <> 0).


Patron block reasons.

When the PAPIErrorCode is -6101 (Checkout_Patron_Blocked), the PatronBlockFlags includes one or more of the following bit fields combined with a bitwise OR operation:

  • 1 (0x1) - Patron has too many overdue items.

  • 2 (0x2) - Patron has too many long overdue items.

  • 4 (0x4) - Patron has too many outstanding claims.

  • 8 (0x8) - Patron has too many total claims.

  • 16 (0x10) - Patron owes more than second-level fine amount.

  • 32 (0x20) - Patron has a collection agency block.

  • 64 (0x40) - Patron has address check block.

  • 128 (0x80) - Patron has verify borrower block.

  • 256 (0x100) - Patron has too many lost items.

  • 512 (0x200) - Patron code is blocked.

  • 1024 (0x400) - Patron has a library assigned block.

  • 2048 (0x800) - Patron has a free text block.

  • 4096 (0x1000) - Patron has exceeded the money owed block (estimated fines only).

  • 8192 (0x2000) - Patron has exceeded the money owed block (current fines + estimated fines).

  • 16384 (0x4000) - Check out is limited to patrons assigned to the transacting branch.

  • 32768 (0x8000) - Patron account is secured.


Item block reasons.

When the PAPIErrorCode is -6112 (Checkout_Item_Blocked), the ItemBlockFlags includes one or more of the following bit fields combined with a bitwise OR operation:

  • 1 (0x1) - Patron has reached the total number of items out for patron type.

  • 2 (0x2) - Patron has reached the total number of items permitted for material type.

  • 4 (0x4) - Patron has reached the total number of course reserve items for patron type.

  • 8 (0x8) - Item status 'Binding' is blocked.

  • 16 (0x10) - Item status 'In-Progress' is blocked.

  • 32 (0x20) - Item status 'In-Repair' is blocked.

  • 64 (0x40) - Item status 'Lost' is blocked.

  • 128 (0x80) - Item status 'Missing' is blocked.

  • 256 (0x100) - Item status 'On-Order' is blocked.

  • 512 (0x200) - Item status 'In-Transit' is blocked.

  • 1024 (0x400) - Item status 'Unavailable' is blocked.

  • 2048 (0x800) - Item status 'Withdrawn' is blocked.

  • 4096 (0x1000) - Item status 'Routed' is blocked.

  • 8192 (0x2000) - Item has a free text block.

  • 16384 (0x4000) - Item has a library-assigned block.

  • 32768 (0x8000) - Item is from another branch.

  • 65536 (0x10000) - Item status 'Claim Missing Parts' is blocked.

  • 262144 (0x40000) - Item material type is blocked.

  • 524288 (0x80000) - Item is held for another patron.

  • 1048576 (0x100000) - Item fills a request for another patron.

  • 2097152 (0x200000) - Item is already checked out to another patron.

  • 4194304 (0x400000) - Item is blocked because there is a charge for checkout.

  • 8388608 (0x800000) - Integrated electronic item.

  • 16777216 (0x1000000) - Patron does not meet the minimum age requirement for the item.

  • 33554432 (0x2000000) - Item status 'Damaged' is blocked.


Renewal block reasons.

When the PAPIErrorCode is -6119 (Checkout_Renewal_Blocked), the RenewalBlockFlags includes one or more of the following bit fields combined with a bitwise OR operation:

  • 1 (0x1) - Patron, or associated patron, has a patron code block.

  • 2 (0x2) - Patron, or associated patron, has a library-assigned block.

  • 4 (0x4) - Patron, or associated patron, has a free text block.

  • 8 (0x8) - Patron, or associated patron, owes more than second level fine amount.

  • 16 (0x10) - Patron, or associated patron, has a collection agency block.

  • 32 (0x20) - Patron, or associated patron, has verify borrower block.

  • 64 (0x40) - Patron, or associated patron, has too many lost items.

  • 128 (0x80) - Patron, or associated patron, has too many outstanding claims.

  • 256 (0x100) - Patron, or associated patron, has too many total claims.

  • 512 (0x200) - Patron registration will expire before item due date.

  • 1024 (0x400) - Item has a library-assigned block.

  • 2048 (0x800) - Item has a free text block.

  • 4096 (0x1000) - Item is already overdue.

  • 8192 (0x2000) - Item is already long overdue.

  • 16384 (0x4000) - Item renewal limit reached.

  • 32768 (0x8000) - Item fills a request for another patron.

  • 65536 (0x10000) - Patron, or associated patron, has too many overdue items.

  • 131072 (0x20000) - Patron, or associated patron, has too many long overdue items.

  • 262144 (0x40000) - Item is not checked out to the patron.

  • 524288 (0x80000) - Automatic renewal only.

  • 1048576 (0x100000) - Patron account is secured.

MaterialTypeID The material type code for item records (see MaterialTypesGet).
SelfCheckMediaTypeID Numeric ID for the self-check media type configuration in the system.

Indicates if the item is affected by magnetic fields

  • true - the item is magnetic

  • false - the item is not magnetic


Indicates if the item has a security strip that can be desensitized

  • true - the item can be desensitized

  • false - the item cannot be desensitized


Indicates if the item has both a spine and cover magnet to desensitize

  • true - the item has multiple magnets to desensitize

  • false - the item does not have multiple magnets to desensitize


Indicates if the item is stored in an AV case or security locker

  • true - the item is stored in a locker, which must be opened after check out

  • false - the item is not stored in a locker


For EnvisionWare RFID, this references the Danish Data Model (DDM) format for the item material type.

  • 0 - Undefined

  • 1 - Book

  • 2 - CD/DVD/etc.

  • 3 - Magnetic Tape

  • 4 - Other

  • 5 - Special Handling Required

  • 6 - Small Item

Title Primary title of the work.










Return - Success

<ItemCheckoutResult xmlns:i="">


<ErrorMessage i:nil="true" />

















Return - Failed

<ItemCheckoutResult xmlns:i="">


<ErrorMessage>The item cannot be checked out because the item is blocked.</ErrorMessage>



<DueDate i:nil="true" />












