Polaris API - Overview

The Polaris REST Application Programming Interface (PAPI) is a web-based service comprised of a set of URIs that return data or perform actions on the Polaris application database. Method calls are made over TCP connections by sending HTTP GET, PUT, POST and DELETE requests. Nearly any computer language can be used to communicate over HTTP with the REST server. This document details the REST API methods, including the URIs, HTTP verbs, request headers, and request bodies required to execute Polaris functionality.

See Also:


You must have the following to start using PAPI:

  • Polaris API Service (Public) license is required. Innovative Support creates your license.

  • You can create a Staff user account using the Web Administration application.

  • You can create a Patron account using the Staff Client, Leap, or PowerPAC.

  • To use protected endpoints in PAPI, you need a Polaris staff user:

    • domain

    • name

    • password

  • To use Patron endpoints, you need the patron's:

    • barcode or username

    • password

If you see a 401 "Unauthorized" error, one of the following is true:
  • Your API call has invalid HTTP authorization header data (for example, the PAPI access ID does not exist, or the signature is not valid).
  • You do not have permission to access the endpoint. The library controls access to PAPI endpoints via access keys. Contact the library's technical staff to request access.


The appsettings.json file contains all of the configuration settings for PAPI. Do not make modifications to the settings in this file. Instead, to customize settings, create a new file called appsettings.user.json and add the changes. You can use the file called "appsettings.user.template.json" as a template for your appsettings.user.json file. It contains the correct structure for making customizations to the configuration file.

Sample appsettings.user.json File:


"Serilog": {

"MinimumLevel": "Error"


"Polaris": {

"ExternalHostname": "",

"SwaggerEnabled": false,

"AuthenticationLevel": "ALL",

"AuthenticationRemoteEnabled": false,

"JSONDateFormat": "Microsoft",

"SecurityMode": "Transport",

"KeyedHashAlgorithm": "HMACSHA1"



Common Settings

The following settings are supported in the appsettings.user.json file. Unless otherwise specified in the table below, enter all settings in lowercase:



MinimumLevel (Serilog)

Specify the minimum threshold for a log event.

DEBUG - All general, debug and error messages

INFORMATION - All general and error messages

ERROR - All error messages


Specify override if the external URI request host name is different from the local domain name. Setting this option affects how the PAPI hash is calculated.

Example: Incoming request uses papiserver.mylibrary.org, server’s local name is papi.local.org


true - Allow access to the Swagger UI.

false - Disable access to the Swagger UI (default).


ALL - Require authentication for all API calls (default)

PATRON - Require authentication for Patron-related API calls

NONE - Authentication is not required (debug purposes only)


true - database server completes the all staff-member authentication (i.e., when PAPI is running in a DMZ)

false - the server running PAPI performs the authentication.


ISO - Requests using a JSON type will return dates formatted as: "2022-01-04T14:58:32-0400"

Microsoft - Requests using a JSON type will return dates formatted as: "/Date(1642625411380-0500)/"


Transport - Support HTTPS only

None - Support HTTP and HTTPS

For more information on these settings, see Using PAPI with SSL.


HMACSHA1 - Select to compute a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) by using the SHA1 hash function.

HMACSHA256 - Select to compute a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) by using the SHA256 hash function.

Note: If you select HMACSHA256, all third parties that connect to your instance of PAPI also must use HMACSHA256.

PAPI and Swagger

Swagger is an open-source framework for REST APIs. Effective as of Polaris 5.2, the Polaris API has a Swagger endpoint that provides code and documentation to Polaris customers and third-party vendors who use the Polaris API. For more information about Swagger, go to http://swagger.io/.

By default, the Swagger endpoint is disabled. To use Swagger, you must update the SwaggerEnabled value in appsettings.user.json from false to true and restart the PAPI IIS Application Pool.

The Swagger URL uses the following URL format: https://<hostname>/PAPIService/swagger/index.html.

Replace <hostname> with the host name of your library's server. For example:


PAPI Web Service Authorization

Secure functions will check HTTP header for valid Authorization element.

Authorization - PWS [PAPIAccessID]:[Signature]

  • "PWS" must be in caps

  • No space before or after ":"

  • "[PAPIAccessID]" - Assigned by Polaris

  • "[Signature]" - The signature is the following, encoded with SHA1 UTF-8:

Although [PatronPassword] is supported for constructing the authorization signature, we recommend that you use the AuthenticatePatron method to retrieve an AccessSecret. You can then use the AccessSecret instead of the patron’s password. For more information, see Using Public Methods as an Authenticated Staff User.
Use Patron Password only when accessing patron-specific methods.

Application IDs


Unless otherwise specified, customers and third-party developers should use an ApplicationID value of 100 when making calls to PAPI.

HTTP Method

The HTTP Method uses a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to identify an object, resource or concept in Polaris. A URI is composed of the following parts:


Construct the URI as you would expect the server to receive it:






The date must be within +/- 30 minutes of the current time or the request will fail.

  1. Use HTTP Date format (RFC1123)

    ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT

    Wed, 17 Oct 2012 22:23:32 GMT

  2. If you cannot set the date in the HTTP header, pass the following name:value pair into the header:

    PolarisDate: ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMTPolarisDate: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 22:23:32 GMT

    Authorization: PWS polarisdev:8TD4Nfu+cxdUZPwqlQMVBuDOvMw=

Private key to create HMAC is assigned by Polaris

Current {version} is v1

General URI Parameters






Calling application (product) ID (see Application IDs)



Organization identifier. This value must be system-level (1) or a branch-level organization identifier.



Record identifier



Language identifier of the Label. Possible values include:

1033 - English
1042 - Korean
1049 - Russian
1065 - Farsi
1066 - Vietnamese
1141 - Hawaiian
2052 - Chinese
3082 - Spanish
3084 - French
12289 - Arabic
15372 - Haitian Creole

Sample Code

To build the string (hash):

  1. Build the data by concatenating the HTTP method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), URI, Date, and Patron Password (if required). The Access Key is the private key assigned by Polaris. Pass the resulting routine.
  2. The routine returns a hash to the caller similar to this example:
  3. This hash is combined with the PAPI Access Key ID and used in the HTTP header, similar to the following example:
    Authorization: PWS SOPAC1:8TD4Nfu+cxdUZPwqlQMVBuDOvMw=

Sample Android-based Java class:

Anywhere the HMACSHA256 algorithm appears as a choice in the code, you can choose to use it. If you use the HMACSHA256 algorithm, all third parties that connect to your instance of PAPI also must use HMACSHA256.

package Polaris.CheckMyLibrary;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.SignatureException; import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import android.util.Base64;
public class PAPIHash {
    private static final String HMAC_SHA1_ALGORITHM = "HmacSHA1";
    public String GetPAPIHash(
       String strAccessKey, String strHTTPMethod, String strURI, String strHTTPDate, String strPatronPassword) {
       String result = "";

// Get an hmac_sha1 or hmac_sha256 key from the raw key bytes

       byte[] secretBytes = strAccessKey.getBytes();
       SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(secretBytes, HMAC_SHA1_ALGORITHM);

// Get an hmac_sha1 or hmac_sha256 Mac instance and initialize with the signing key

       try { Mac mac; mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA1_ALGORITHM);

       String data = "";
       if (strPatronPassword.length() & gt; 0) data = strHTTPMethod + strURI + strHTTPDate + strPatronPassword;
           data = strHTTPMethod + strURI + strHTTPDate;

// Compute the hmac on input data bytes

      byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes());

// Convert raw bytes to Hex result = Base64.encodeToString(rawHmac, 0);

       } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e1) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block

       e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block

   return result;

Sample C# Method:

public string GetPAPIHash(string strAccessKey, string strHTTPMethod, string strURI, string strHTTPDate, string strPatronPassword)

byte[] secretBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strAccessKey);
HMACSHA1 hmac = new HMACSHA1(secretBytes);

// Computed hash is based on different elements defined by URI

 byte[] dataBytes = null;
  if (strPatronPassword.Length > 0)
         dataBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strHTTPMethod +
                     strURI + strHTTPDate + strPatronPassword);
         dataBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strHTTPMethod +
                     strURI + strHTTPDate);
      byte[] computedHash = hmac.ComputeHash(dataBytes);
     string computedHashString = Convert.ToBase64String(computedHash);
  return computedHashString;

Using PAPI with SSL

All protected method calls require SSL using HTTPS. This is to ensure that all sensitive data, such as domain account information, is encrypted. If a protected method is called without an HTTPS connection, a “403 - Forbidden” error is returned.

You can configure the PAPI to support the following:

  • HTTPS only - Required for all methods
  • HTTP and HTTPS - HTTPS is required for all protected methods, but public methods can be accessed using HTTP or HTTPS

By default, PAPI is set to require HTTPS.

To set these options :

  1. Go to the appsettings.user.json file located in C:\Program Files\Polaris\[version]\PAPIService

  2. Set the SecurityMode as follows:

    • None = Support HTTP and HTTPS
    • Transport = Support HTTPS only

When SecurityMode is set to Transport, ALL PAPI method calls (public and protected) must use HTTPS.

Support for XML and JSON Data Exchange Formats

The Polaris API supports both XML and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data exchange formats. The caller may choose to use JSON by specifying the content type in the HTTP request header. XML is the default.

HTTP Request Header

To specify JSON, you can add the following to the HTTP request header:

Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/json

To specify XML (the default), you can add the following to the HTTP request header:

Content-Type: application/xml

Accept: application/xml

The HTTP request header must provide the “Content-Length” when using the request body.

JSON and DateTime Fields

All DateTime fields are nullable. The default is no longer MinValue.

We provide two date format options for JSON request/response bodies.

  • When JSONDateFormat is set to "Microsoft", the resulting data is formatted as:


  • When JSONDateFormat is set to "ISO", the resulting data is formatted as:


JSON - GetBib

Example HTTP data returned by a call to GetBib using JSON as the content type:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 1480
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 19:06:54 GMT

"PAPIErrorCode": 0,

"ErrorMessage": "",

"BibGetRows": [{

"ElementID": 35,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Title:",

"Value": "The wind in the willows \/ illustrated by Ernest H. Shepard.",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 18,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Author:",

"Value": "Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-1932.",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 2,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Publisher, Date:",

"Value": "New York : Scribner, 1961, c1933.",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 3,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Description:",

"Value": "259 p. : illus. ; 21 cm.",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 17,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Format:",

"Value": "Book",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 21,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Other Author:",

"Value": "Shepard, Ernest H. (Ernest Howard), 1879-1976.",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 28,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Notes:",

"Value": "\"Atheneum Books for Young Readers\"",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 28,

"Occurence": 2,

"Label": "Notes:",

"Value": "The adventures of four amiable animals, Rat, Toad, Mole and Badger, along a river in the English countryside.",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 6,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "ISBN:",

"Value": "0684128195",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 7,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "System Availability:",

"Value": "4",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 8,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Current Holds:",

"Value": "0",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 13,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "Call Number:",

"Value": "J Fict Gra",

"Alternate": false

}, {

"ElementID": 16,

"Occurence": 1,

"Label": "System Items Available:",

"Value": "3",

"Alternate": false




JSON - HoldRequestCreate

Example HTTP request body when using the POST command with JSON:


"PatronID": 299377,

"BibID": "15593",

"ItemBarcode": "",

"VolumeNumber": "",

"Designation": "",

"PickupOrgID": "74",

"IsBorrowByMail": "0",

"PatronNotes": "",

"ActivationDate": "\/Date(1295352000000)\/",

"WorkstationID": "1",

"UserID": "1",

"RequestingOrgID": "74",

"TargetGUID": ""


JSON - ItemRenewAllForPatron

Example HTTP request body when using the PUT command with JSON:








JSON - PatronAccountPay

Example HTTP request body when using the PUT command with JSON:




"FreeTextNote":"Paid through Polaris API"


Date Format when using JSON

Because JSON does not have a standard way of describing dates, you must use one of the following formats:

  • ISO format - "2011-01-18T07:00:00-0400"

  • Microsoft format - "\/Date(1295352000000)\/"
    The number represents the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970 UTC.
    1295352000000 represents Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:00:00 AM.

XML Elements

The order of XML elements matters! (You will see reminders throughout this document.)

Examples of SHA1 Encoding



Example using http://jssha.sourceforge.net/

Using Public Methods as an Authenticated Staff User

In some scenarios, as an authenticated staff user, you might want to call a public method that requires the patron’s password. Instead of looking up the patron’s password, you can build the authentication signature using the AccessSecret. Because the public method does not contain the AccessToken in the URI, you simply pass in a custom HTTP header field called X-PAPI-AccessToken. The PAPI Service will look for the X-PAPI-AccessToken header field and act accordingly.

This process might fail if a firewall or network device is configured to remove nonstandard HTTP header fields.

SSL Requirements for Protected Methods

SSL must be used because domain account information is being passed to perform the initial account authentication.

You must enable SSL in the PAPI Service by changing the security mode to Transport.

Once you have set the security mode to Transport, all PAPI method calls (public and protected) must use HTTPS.

The certificate must be installed on the IIS website.

PAPI Service must contain binding on port 443 to the web server certificate.

Development Tools - Fiddler2 (Freeware)


PAPI Error Codes

The following error codes are returned from the Polaris REST API.




Any positive number

Represents either the count of rows returned or the number of rows affected by the procedure. See individual procedure definitions for details.




FAILURE - General


Multiple errors. See returned rowset for list of errors.


PARTIAL FAILURE - Multiple errors (but some items succeeded). See returned rowset for list of errors.



-5 Failure. Database error occurred
-6 Failure. Invalid parameter
-9 SQL timeout
-10 Failure. ID does not exist
-11 Validation_Errors

Bibliographic Errors - [1000-1499]


Invalid BibliographicRecordID specified

-1001 Bibliographic import profile name not found

MARC Errors - [1500-1999]

-1500 MARC not supplied
-1501 MARC Leader not supplied
-1502 MARC control field not supplied
-1503 MARC control field 008 not supplied
-1504 MARC data fields not supplied
-1505 MARC data field title not supplied
-1506 MARC data field price not supplied
-1507 MARC XML collection is missing or empty
-1508 MARC XML collection record count exceeds configured maximum

Item/Holdings Errors - [2000-2999]


Invalid ItemRecordID specified


Invalid barcode specified


Duplicate barcode specified

Patron Errors - [-201, -221; -501; 3000-3999]

-201 Failed to insert entry in addresses table
-221 Failed to insert entry in PostalCodes table
-222 Invalid PostalCodeLength
-223 Invalid PostalCodeFormat
-501 Patron personal information change is not allowed
-3000 Patron does not exist
-3001 Failed to insert entry in Patrons table
-3400 Failed to insert entry in Patronaddresses table
-3401 Invalid AddressType


Country code does not exist


Patron branch is not defined


Patron branch is not a valid branch


Last name is not defined


First name is not defined


Barcode is already used for another patron


Transaction branch is not defined


Transaction user is not defined


Transaction workstation is not defined


Passwords do not match


Postal code problems - mismatch city, state, county


Postal code problems - mismatch city, state


Postal code problems - mismatch city, county


Postal code problems - mismatch state, county


Postal code problems - mismatch county


Postal code problems - mismatch state


Postal code problems - mismatch city


Postal code problems - postal code not found


Invalid Email address


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value (No Address for Patron)


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value (No Email Address for Patron)


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value (No PhoneVoice1 for Patron)


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value (No PhoneVoice2 for Patron)


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value (No PhoneVoice3 for Patron)


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value (No PhoneFax for Patron)


Invalid DeliveryMethod Value


Invalid EmailFormat Value


Invalid ReadingList Value


Duplicate name


Duplicate username


Failed to insert entry in Patron Registration table

-3531 Patron delivery notices address not defined
-3532 Invalid PhoneVoice1 value
-3533 Invalid Password format
-3534 Invalid Password length
-3535 Patron password change is not allowed
-3536 Invalid GenderID for the Registered Branch
-3537 Invalid LegalName Configuration
-3540 Invalid Birthdate
-3541 Invalid NameLast Length
-3542 Invalid NameFirst Length
-3543 Invalid NameMiddle Length
-3544 Invalid LegalNameLast Length
-3545 Invalid LegalNameFirst Length
-3546 Invalid LegalNameMiddle Length
-3547 Invalid Username Length
-3548 Invalid Barcode Length
-3550 Invalid Patron Barcode
-3551 Patron Address Not Defined
-3552 Patron Password Not Defined
-3553 Patron Address Street One Invalid
-3554 Patron Address Postal Code Invalid
-3555 Patron Address City Invalid
-3556 Patron Address State Invalid
-3557 Patron Username Format Invalid
-3558 Patron Address Country Not Defined
-3559 Patron Delivery Notices Address Not Defined
-3560 Patron Address Street Two Invalid
-3561 Patron Address Street Three Invalid
-3562 Patron Address Free Text Label Invalid


Charge transaction does not exist


Charge transaction for this patron does not exist


Payment method for payment is invalid


Invalid amount is being paid


Invalid transaction type being paid


General patron account database error


Payment transaction does not exist


Payment transaction for this patron does not exist


Payment transaction cannot be voided because another action taken on payment


Payment amount is more than the sum of the charges

-3612 Invalid PatronCodeID
-3613 Invalid PhoneVoice2
-3614 Invalid PhoneVoice3
-3615 Invalid Alt Email Address
-3616 Invalid TXTPhoneNumber
-3617 Invalid PhoneCarrier
-3619 Invalid DeliveryMethod No Phone
-3620 Invalid Email Address for EReceipt
-3621 Patron Is Secure
-3622 Invalid RequestPickupBranchID
-3623 Invalid User1
-3624 Invalid User2
-3625 Invalid User3
-3626 Invalid User4
-3627 Invalid User5
-3628 Invalid LanguageID
-3629 Invalid FormerID
-3630 Invalid StatisticalClassID for the Registered Branch
-3634 Patron Required Fields Missing
-3635 Invalid Patron Address Country

Hold Request Errors - [4000-4999]


Invalid application ID supplied


Invalid patron ID supplied


Invalid workstation ID supplied


Invalid request ID supplied


Invalid requesting org ID supplied


Invalid patron barcode


Invalid bibliographic record ID supplied


Invalid pickup org ID supplied

-4016 Cannot change pickup branch for request in statusID


Hold Pickup Area SA disabled

-4020 Hold Pickup Area Invalid for pickup branch
-4021 Hold Pickup Area ID Invalid
-4022 Hold Pickup Area not enabled for the pickup branch
-4023 Hold Pickup Area already set
-4100 Invalid request GUID supplied


Invalid txn group qualifier supplied


Invalid txn qualifier supplied


Invalid answer supplied


Invalid state supplied


Invalid request ID supplied


Invalid current org ID supplied


Cancel prevented for hold requests with status of Held

-4204 Cancel prevented for hold request with status of Unclaimed
-4205 Cancel prevented for hold request with a status of Canceled
-4206 Cancel prevented for hold request with a status of Expired
-4207 Cancel prevented for hold request with a status of Out to Patron
-4208 Cancel prevented for hold request with a status of Shipped


No requests available to cancel


Invalid Application date supplied


Application date must be greater than or equal to today's date


Application date must be earlier than 2 years from today


Invalid pickup branch assigned to hold request


Error occurred loading SA "days to expire"


Request must have a status of Active, Inactive or Pending


No requests available to suspend


Request status invalid for this process


Invalid request status change requested


Invalid hold user not supplied reason


This is the only item available for hold


No other items at other branches are available to fill this hold

Organization Errors - [5000-5999]


Invalid OrganizationID specified

Circulation Errors - [6000-6999]


Invalid loan unit supplied


ItemCheckout record does not exist


Patron block


Item record status is not Final


Item status is Returned-ILL


Item Status is Non-Circulating


Item block


Item status is In-Transit


Invalid item circulation period


Item on-the-fly


Multiple course reserves


Overdue fine


Renewal block

Course Reserve Errors - [7000-7999]


Invalid CourseReserveID specified

PolarisUser Errors - [8000-8999]


Invalid PolarisUserID specified

-8001 Polaris user is not permitted
-8002 StaffUser_NotSupplied
-8003 StaffUser_NotFound
-8004 StaffUser_Account_Disabled

Workstation Errors - [9000-9999]


Invalid WorkstationID specified

Record Set Errors - [11000-11999]
-11000 Supplied recordSetID is not of type patron
-11001 RecordSetID does not exist
Acquisitions Errors - [12000-12999]
-12100 Acquisitions supplier record name not supplied
-12101 Acquisitions supplier record name not found
-12102 Acquisitions line items not supplied
-12103 Acquisitions line item segments not supplied
-12104 Acquisitions total copies not supplied
-12105 Acquisitions line item copies not supplied
-12106 Acquisitions line item segment copies not supplied
-12107 Acquisitions copy counts do not match
-12108 Acquisitions branch location not found
-12109 Acquisitions branch location not a branch
-12110 Acquisitions fund not found
-12111 Acquisitions fund not open
-12112 Acquisitions fund none available
-12113 Acquisitions collection not found
-12114 Acquisitions collection not assigned to branch location
-12115 Acquisitions order type not firm order
-12116 Acquisitions payment method not purchase
-12117 Acquisitions line items validation errors found
-12118 Acquisitions fund multiple entries found
-12119 Acquisitions total of copies does not match
-12120 Acquisitions login is Organization level, not Branch level
-12121 Acquisitions branch location is not allowed
-12122 Acquisitions create Purchase Order not permitted at this branch
-12123 Acquisitions ordered at location not supplied
-12124 Acquisitions ordered at location not found
-12125 Acquisitions ordered at location not a branch
-12126 Acquisitions PO number not supplied
-12127 Acquisitions PO number exists
-12128 Acquisitions MARC validation errors found
-12129 Acquisitions line item segments duplicate
-12130 Acquisitions supplier record name duplicate
-12131 Acquisitions item template match not found
-12133 Import profile - PAPI PO import profile, not found.

Material Format Types

The following IDs are associated with the FormatID columns in several of the returned rowsets.



Format Description






Printed or Manuscript Music



Cartographic Material



Visual Materials



Sound Recording



Electronic Resources



Archival Mixed Materials






Printed Music



Manuscript Music



Printed Cartographic Material



Manuscript Cartographic Material









Manuscript Material



Projected Medium



Motion Picture



Video Recording



Two Dimensional Non-projected Graphic



Three Dimensional Object



Musical Sound Recording



Nonmusical Sound Recording















Large Print












Music CD






Audio Book

38 dmc Digital Collection
39 abs Abstract
40 brd Blu-ray Disc
41 aeb Eaudiobook
42 bcd Book + CD
43 bcs Book + Cassette
44 vgm Video Game
45 bdv Blu-ray + DVD
46 bkv Book + DVD
47 atl Atlas
48 stm Streaming Music
49 stv Streaming Video
50 emg Emagazine
51 vyl Vinyl
52 abc Audio Book on CD
53 abt Audio Book on Cassette

General URI Parameters






Calling application (product) ID (see Application IDs)



Organization identifier. This value must be system-level (1) or a branch-level organization identifier.



Record identifier



Language identifier of the label. Possible values include:

1033 - English
1042 - Korean
1049 - Russian
1065 - Farsi
1066 - Vietnamese
1141 - Hawaiian
2052 - Chinese
3082 - Spanish
3084 - French
12289 - Arabic
15372 - Haitian Creole