Hold Options Dialog Box - Staff Client and PAC Tab
These settings control staff client and PAC alerts and blocks, as well as the automatic due date adjustment of an item based on the number of hold requests for the item. See Set Holds options: Alerts and blocks.
- Trap at check-out — Select to display an alert message when staff members and patrons attempt to check out an item that can fill a request. This setting also blocks check-out of these items at SIP self-check units.
- Display patron phone number when trapped An item is said to be trapped for a hold when an item that fills a request is scanned at circulation and the system links the item to a specific request, either automatically or by displaying a message that prompts you for a decision. — Select to include the patron’s phone number, along with the patron’s name and barcode, on the alert message that an item can fill a hold request.
- Alert in bulk check-in if the item will fill holds — Select to alert staff during bulk check-in if an item can fill a hold request. Staff members have the option to fill the request or not. If you leave this option cleared, Polaris traps the item automatically.
- Alert in bulk check-in if the item is held — Select to alert staff members that an item is held. Staff members can choose whether to continue to hold the item. If this option is cleared, no message alerts staff members that the item is held.
This setting also affects ILL items. At bulk check-in, the ILL item status goes from Held to In, and if you select this option, the alert message appears for the ILL item.
- Change due date based on ratio — Select to automatically shorten loan periods on items with multiple requests. Specify the number of requests and the number of items for the ratio and the loan period (in days) when the requests-per-item ratio is met. This setting only affects loan periods of more than 7 days, and applies only to bibliographic-level holds. (Non-holdable items are not included in the calculation.)
- Permit patron notes from PAC — Select to provide a note field on the PAC patron request form.
- Permit suspended requests from PAC (system only) — Select to allow patrons to suspend and reactivate hold requests from Polaris PowerPAC, Mobile PAC, and Polaris ExpressCheck.
- Permitting cancellation on certain statuses (system only) — Select to allow patrons and staff to cancel hold requests that have the statuses listed:
- Shipped
- Held
Permitting bib-level hold requests with no items attached — Select separate settings to control the Polaris staff client and PAC.
- Alert in Staff Client — Select to alert staff members with a message if they place bib-level hold requests when no items are attached. From the alert message, the staff member can choose to place or cancel the hold request. If this option is cleared, no message appears and the hold request is automatically placed. You might want to leave this option clear to prevent repeated messages to staff, if your staff members regularly place bib-level hold requests when no items are attached.
- Block in PAC — Select to block patrons from placing bib-level hold requests when no items are attached. A message advises patrons to contact the library for assistance. If this option is cleared, a message informs the patron that no items are linked to the request. The patron can choose to continue or cancel the request.
- Blocking requests if patron is blocked — Select separate settings to control the Polaris staff client and PAC.
- Block in Staff Client — Select to block a hold request initiated in the Polaris staff client if the patron’s record is blocked for any reason. Staff members can override the block. If you leave this box cleared, staff members can place a hold for the patron, regardless of any blocks on the patron’s record or hold limits, and no block messages appear. The system uses the setting of the pick-up branch.
- Block in PAC — Select to block a hold request initiated in PAC if the request would exceed the setting for the total number of requests allowed or the number of requests allowed for a particular material type.
- Enable request status “Out” — Select to enable a request status of Out and display requests with this status in the Polaris staff client and the PAC patron account. A request status changes to Out when a held item is checked out, allowing the request to remain available for tracking purposes until the item status changes from Out to In, Held, Transferred, In-Transit, or Lost. The setting for the workstation’s logon branch controls the display in the Polaris staff client. The setting for the patron’s registered branch controls the display in the PAC patron account.
The Out request status is automatically enabled for libraries that use Borrow by Mail.
- PAC display patron contact info (PowerPAC only) — Select to display the patron’s contact information on the PowerPAC request confirmation page. Patrons can verify the information, and the library can provide a link to update the information.
- PAC block for patron verification — Select to block hold requests from PAC if there is a verification block on the patron record. This type of block is added when the patron has registered online or has requested updates to certain patron account information.