Creating Quick-Circ Items

You can create quick-circ item records from several locations, including the Polaris shortcut bar (File > New or Utilities > Quick-circ Item Records), the Check Out workform, or an existing quick-circ item record, depending on your workflow. Although quick-circ item records use several of the same data fields as conventional Polaris item records, there are important differences. If a quick-circ item barcode is scanned or entered into the item Find Tool, the search produces no results. The system responds as it does when no matching barcode is found. You cannot bulk-change quick-circ item records, although you can modify individual records.

If a quick-circ item barcode is scanned into the barcode field of a conventional item record, the system displays a message that the barcode is assigned to quick-circ items and cannot be used.

A convenient workflow is to reserve a sheet of barcodes or several barcode labels and create quick-circ item records for the barcodes in advance. Then you can apply the barcodes as needed at check-out. Each physical item needs a unique barcode. However, during staff check-out, you need to scan only one of the barcodes, and specify how many quick circ items are being checked out. (If your patrons use Polaris ExpressCheck, each item needs to be scanned at the Polaris ExpressCheck station.) See: Checking Out Quick-Circ Items.