Grant Administration Permissions

To assign the permissions that control access to Polaris administration:

  1. In the Administration Explorer, select Security for the System level. The Security view is displayed.
  2. Select (highlight) System Administration in the Control Record list, and press ALT+* (on the numeric key pad). The System Administration permission tree expands to display all the System Administration permissions.

  1. Identify who can set permissions. See the Patron Services Administration PDF Guide, Permissions to Set Permissions. Permissions to Set Permissions.
  2. Identify who can maintain organizational information. Manage organization security settings.
  3. Identify who can maintain group, workstation, and staff member records. See Permission Group, Workstation, Staff Member Record Permissions.
  4. Identify who can work with specific permissions as assigned to groups (such as cataloging or circulation administration tables, public access search and display tables, and acquisitions tables. See Manage Permission Group Membership.
  5. Identify who can work with circulation administration tables. See Circulation Administration Permissions.
  6. Identify who can work with public access search and display tables. See Public Access Administration Permissions.
  7. Identify who can work with acquisitions tables. See Acquisitions Administration Permissions.
  8. Select File > Save.

Related Information

Administration Workflow Permissions

This section lists the combinations of permissions needed for specific administration workflows.

For information on System Administration permissions, see System Administration Permissions Reference and Administration Workflow Permissions. For more information about setting permissions in Polaris, see Permission Strategies.

Permissions to Set Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Authorize others to set permissions

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Object/task control record: Access

System - System Admin

Object/task control record: Modify

System - System Admin

Staff members: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Workstations: Access

System, Branch - System Admin

Maintain security for a library. These permissions are required to allow individuals to set local permissions.

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Object/task control record: Access

System - System Admin

Object/task control record: Modify

System - System Admin

Libraries: Access

System - System Admin

Branches: Access

System - System Admin

Groups: Access

System - System Admin

Staff members: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Workstations: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Maintain permissions for groups, staff members, and workstations

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Object/task control record: Access

System - System Admin

Object/task control record: Modify

System - System Admin

Permission Groups: Access

System - System Admin

Staff members: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Workstations: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin


Organization Maintenance Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Create new organizations

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Branches: Access

System - System Admin

Branches: Create

System - System Admin

Libraries: Access

System - System Admin

Libraries: Create

System - System Admin

Maintain resource groups

Access administration: Allow

Resource Group: Access

Resource Group: Create

Resource Group: Delete

Resource Group: Modify

System - System Admin

System - System Admin

System - System Admin

System - System Admin

System - System Admin

Maintain system organizational information

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

System: Modify

System - System Admin

Administer system-wide address and contact information (add these permissions to the system maintenance permissions). These permissions can be added to library-level and branch-level administration permissions, but any changes apply to the entire system.

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify address table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify contact persons table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify countries table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify dates closed table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify postal codes table: Allow

System - System Admin

Administer record operations and transactions (add these permissions to the system maintenance permissions). These permissions can be added to library-level and branch-level administration permissions.

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify object locks table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify transaction logging table: Allow

System - System Admin

Maintain and change organizational information

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Branches: Access

System - System Admin

Branches: Modify

System - System Admin

Libraries: Access

System - System Admin

Libraries: Modify

System - System Admin

Maintain organizational parameters and profiles

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Branches: Access

System - System Admin

Libraries: Access

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

Administer collections

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Collections: Access

System - System Admin

Collections: Create

System - System Admin

Collections: Delete

System - System Admin

Collections: Modify

System - System Admin

Administer servers

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify search databases table: Allow

System - System Admin

Servers: Access

System - System Admin

Servers: Modify

System - System Admin

Servers: Create

System - System Admin

Servers: Delete

System - System Admin


Permission Group, Workstation, Staff Member Record Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Administer staff members

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

Staff members: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Staff members: Create

System, Library, Branch -System Admin

Staff members: Modify

System, Library, Branch -System Admin

Staff members: Delete

System, Library, Branch -System Admin

Administer permission groups. Access to Libraries and Branches can be added to administer permission groups.

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Permission Groups: Access

System - System Admin

Permission Groups: Create

System - System Admin

Permission Groups: Modify

System - System Admin

Permission Groups: Delete

System - System Admin

Staff members: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Workstations: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Administer workstations

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

Workstations: Access

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Workstations: Create

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Workstations: Modify

System, Library, Branch - System Admin

Workstations: Delete

System, Library, Branch - System Admin



Cataloging Administration Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Set automatic bib and authority re-indexing during next server upgrade

Access MARC Re-index during next server upgrade: Allow

System - System Admin

Set MARC validation rules and policies

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

Access MARC Validation: Authority: Allow

System - System Admin

Access MARC Validation: Bibliographic: Allow

System - System Admin

MARC Validation: Authority - insert row: Allow

System - System Admin

MARC Validation: Authority - modify row: Allow

System - System Admin

MARC Validation: Authority - delete row: Allow

System - System Admin

MARC Validation: Bibliographic - insert row: Allow

System - System Admin

MARC Validation: Bibliographic - modify row: Allow

System - System Admin

MARC Validation: Bibliographic - delete row: Allow

System - System Admin

Set duplicate catalog record detection criteria

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify bibliographic deduplication table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify bibliographic tags to retain/delete tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify authority overlay retention table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify authority record import: preferred cataloging source A code stored in tag 040 $a that tells who created the record. These codes are governed by the MARC code list for libraries.: Allow

System - System Admin

Set miscellaneous catalog record policies

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify call number hierarchy table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify item price hierarchy table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify item block descriptions table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify initial articles table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify import blackout times

System - System Admin

Set label configuration profiles

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

You may limit access to a subset of these levels:

Branches: Access

Libraries: Access

System: Access

Workstations: Access

Staff members: Access

Various levels - System Admin



Circulation Administration Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Set up circulation codes and labels (add these permissions to the system maintenance permissions). These permissions can be added to library and branch level administration permissions, but any changes apply to the entire system.

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify circulation status table

System - System Admin

Modify claim reason table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify fee descriptions table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify fine codes table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify hold status table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify item block descriptions table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify patron codes table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify patron stop descriptions table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify material types table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify loan period codes table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify patron statistical class codes table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify NCIP User Privilege Types table: Allow

System - System Admin

Maintain circulation limits, rates, and schedules (add these permissions to the system maintenance permissions). These permissions can be added to library and branch level administration permissions.

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify fines table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify loan periods table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify patron/materials type loan limit blocks table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify payment methods table: Allow

System - System Admin

Set policies for floating collections

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify floating material type limits table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify floating material types table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify floating to branch table: Allow

System - System Admin

Maintain self-check attributes

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify self check material types table: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Maintain notice settings

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access reports and notices: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify notification dates not to call table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify notification local area codes table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify notification local prefix table: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Maintain hold request routing schedule

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify holds routing sequence table: Allow

System - System Admin

Edit hold request status descriptions

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify hold status table: Allow

System - System Admin

Set up and maintain course reserve functions

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify course reserve tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Specify mobile phone service carriers for selection in the Patron Registration workform and when patrons register or update their account information from the PAC

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify mobile phone carriers: Allow

System - System Admin

Set up and maintain outreach service functions

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify outreach services tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Administer NCIP - Map data to Polaris data and set parameters

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify NCIP medium types incoming table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify NCIP medium types outgoing table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify NCIP user privilege types table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify NCIP Payment Types table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify NCIP Fiscal Action Types table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify SIP Payment Types table: Allow

System - System Admin


Public Access Administration Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Maintain catalog results settings

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify shelf locations table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify cross reference display constants table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify item availability display order table: Allow

System - System Admin

Maintain catalog search settings

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify search databases table: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Set up and modify override phrases for Did You Mean search suggestions in the PAC

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify did you mean overrides table: Allow

System - System Admin

Set up PAC displays for bibliographic and community information searches and search results

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify bibliographic record title displays: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify community record title displays: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify and create display entities: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify product page categories: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify PAC limit by display table: allow

System - System Admin

Modify PAC community limit by display table: allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin

Enter or edit geographic coordinates for organizations that might be displayed with the Map It (Google Maps) feature in Polaris PowerPAC

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify geographic coordinates table: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin


Acquisitions Administration Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Maintain acquisitions settings

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Access tables: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify links to supplier databases: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify donation fund category table: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify currencies table: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access



System - System Admin


Serials Administration Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Set parameters and profiles related to Serials

Access administration: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify parameters: Allow

System - System Admin

Modify profiles: Allow

System - System Admin

System: Access

System - System Admin


WebAdmin Permissions


Required Permissions

Administration Explorer Security Location

Use Polaris Language Editor (Web Admin) to customize language strings for Polaris products

WebAdmin access: Allow

System - System Admin