System Administration Permissions Reference
These permissions are available under Security > System Administration tab on the Administration Explorer, at the listed organizational levels. Polaris Administrators typically require these permissions. However, other staff members may require access to specific tables. For example, senior catalogers may require permissions related to MARC validation profiles.
For a list of permissions needed for specific workflows, see Administration Workflow Permissions. For general information about setting permissions in Polaris, see Granting Permissions.
Control Record |
Org Levels |
Permission |
Description |
Access administration |
System |
Allow |
Administer Polaris; open and use the Polaris Administration menu on the Polaris Shortcut Bar. |
Access logon branch |
System |
Allow |
Log on to branches other than the Home branch; often used for rotating staff. |
Access MARC Re-indexing during next server upgrade |
System |
Allow |
Set the system-level Cataloging parameter MARC Re-index during next server upgrade to Yes. When the server upgrade is complete, the parameter is automatically reset to No. |
Access MARC Validation: Authority |
System |
Allow |
Open the MARC Validation: Authority profile in System Administration |
Access MARC Validation: Bibliographic |
System |
Allow |
Open the MARC Validation: Bibliographic profile in System Administration |
Access reports and notices |
System |
Allow |
Generate reports; generate overdue, hold, fine, and other notices; use the Utilities, Reports and Notices option available from the Polaris Shortcut Bar. |
Access search agent reports |
System |
Not used |
Access tables |
System |
Allow |
Review and change the database and policy tables from the Administration Explorer and organization workforms. |
Branches |
System |
Access; Create; Modify |
Work with Branch administration records (Access permission is needed to search for branches and open the Branches folder in the Administration Explorer.) |
Collections |
System |
Access; Create; Modify |
Work with Collections administration records (Access permission is needed to search for the collections and open the Collections folder in the Administration Explorer.) |
INN-Reach administration | System | Access; Modify | Work with the INN-Reach Administration tool to monitor INN-Reach processes on the local server |
Libraries |
System |
Access; Create; Modify |
Work with Library administration records (Access permission is needed to search for libraries and open the Library folder in the Administration Explorer. |
Logon branch |
Branch |
Access |
Log on to the branch even though the user name is not associated with the branch; often used for rotating staff. (The staff member must also have the Access logon branch: Allow permission set at the System level.) |
MARC Validation: Authority-delete row |
System |
Allow |
Delete validation rules for locally-defined MARC authority tags. All organizations use the settings in this Cataloging profile. |
MARC Validation: Authority- insert row |
System |
Allow |
Add rules to validate locally-defined MARC authority tags. All organizations use the settings in this Cataloging profile. |
MARC Validation: Authority - modify row |
System |
Allow |
Edit the settings for the authority validation rules. |
MARC Validation: Bibliographic - delete row |
System |
Allow |
Delete validation rules for locally-defined bibliographic tags. All organizations use the settings in this Cataloging profile. |
MARC Validation: Bibliographic - insert row |
System |
Allow |
Add rules to validate locally-defined MARC bibliographic tags. All organizations use the settings in this Cataloging profile. |
MARC Validation: Bibliographic - modify row |
System |
Allow |
Edit the settings for the bibliographic validation rules. |
Modify address table |
System |
Allow |
Maintain organization addresses. Add and delete entries in the Addresses policy table. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify and create display entities |
System |
Allow |
Controls access to the Entities Definition dialog box, launched from the Title Display Configure or Community Information Configure dialog boxes. Edit existing display elements (entities) or define custom entities (bibliographic entities only) for PAC search results displays. |
Modify authority control table |
System |
Allow |
Future functionality; do not assign to staff. |
Modify authority deduplication table |
System |
Allow |
Determine the rules for identifying duplicate authority records when authority records are imported. Add and delete entries in the Authority Deduplication policy table. All organizations use the settings in this table.
Modify authority overlay retention table |
System |
Allow |
Add and delete entries in the Authority Overlay Retention table that identifies authority tags that must be transferred to overlayer records. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify authority record import: preferred cataloging source A code stored in tag 040 $a that tells who created the record. These codes are governed by the MARC code list for libraries. |
System |
Allow |
Add and delete entries in the Authority Record Import: Preferred Cataloging Source table that identifies preferred cataloging sources for imported authority records. |
Modify bibliographic deduplication table |
System |
Allow |
Add and delete entries in the Bibliographic Deduplication database table that is used to determine duplicate bibliographic records. |
Modify bibliographic record title displays |
System |
Allow |
Access and work with the Title Display Configure dialog boxes for PowerPAC and Mobile PAC. Select bibliographic entities for display in PAC search results views; set display order; edit labels; create and edit entity definitions. |
Modify bibliographic tags to retain/delete table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Bibliographic Tags to Retain/Delete table that identifies tags to retain from incoming records when they are imported. |
Modify call number hierarchy table |
System |
Allow |
Modify individual entries in the Call Number Hierarchy database table that is used to identify bibliographic tags that contain the call number, and the order in which the tags are checked. All organizations use this table. |
Modify circulation status table |
System |
Allow |
Modify individual entries in the Circulation Statues database table that contains the descriptions that display for standard item circulation statuses. |
Modify claim reason table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Claim Reasons policy table that defines the standard reasons a claim is filed with a supplier. All organizations use the same table. |
Modify community record title displays |
System |
Allow |
Access and work with the Community Information Display profiles for PowerPAC and Mobile PAC. Select community information entities for display in PAC search results; set the display order; edit entity definitions; and edit labels. |
Modify computype label printer commands table |
System |
Allow |
Add or modify Computype label printer commands in the Computype Label Printer Commands database table. |
Modify contact persons table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Contact Persons policy table that contains a list of staff members whose names can be listed on notices and reminders. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify countries table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Countries policy table that is used to maintain standard postal code formats used in records with addresses. (Postal code format entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify course reserves table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the course reserves policy tables: Courses, Schools/Divisions, Course Reserves, Departments, Course terms |
Modify cross reference display constants table |
System |
Allow |
Change individual entries in the Cross Reference Display Constants table that specifies how heading cross-references are displayed for browse searches in the PAC. Entries cannot be added or deleted. |
Modify currencies table |
System |
Allow |
Add, enable, disable, and delete entries in the Currencies policy table that specifies the currencies (such as US or Canadian dollars) that can be used in Acquisitions records. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify dates closed table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Dates Closed policy table that lists the dates when branches are closed. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify did you mean overrides table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Did You Mean Overrides database table that is used to override suggestions for the Did You Mean function in the PAC. |
Modify donation fund category table |
System |
Allow |
Maintain a list of standard donation fund categories in the Fund Categories policy table. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify due date modification reasons | System | Allow | Maintain the list of modification reasons that appear in Leap when users reset the due date. |
Modify fee descriptions table |
System |
Allow |
Maintain the list of standard fine categories in the Fine Codes policy table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify fines table |
System |
Allow |
Maintain the fine rates in the Fine policy table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify floating material type limits table |
System |
Allow |
Modify the table that specifies how many floating items of a specific material type a receiving branch will accept. |
Modify floating to branch table |
System |
Allow |
Specify the receiving branches for a home branch's floating collections. |
Modify genders table | System | Allow | Modify the new Database table, Genders Table. |
Modify geographic coordinates table |
System |
Allow |
Specify the latitude and longitude of organizations that should be displayed withe the Map It (Google Maps) feature in the PowerPAC. |
Modify holds status table |
System |
Allow |
Edit the hold request status descriptions in the Hold Request Statuses database table that controls the hold request status displays in the staff client and PAC patron account. |
Modify holds routing sequence table |
System |
Allow |
Add, delete, modify and re-order entries in the Holds Routing Sequences policy table that specifies the routing sequences for hold requests. |
Modify increased check-out limits | System | Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Increased Check-out Limits policy table, which define the number of increased check-outs an enabled patron can have from specific material types. See "Increasing Check-out Limits by Branch" in the Leap help for more information. |
Modify import blackout times |
System |
Allow |
Use the Cataloging profile, Import Blackout times, to specify the times when importing cannot be done. |
Modify initial articles table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Initial Articles policy table that is used to specify leading articles to ignore in searches. |
Modify item availability display order table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, delete and re-order entries in the Item Availability Display Order policy table that determines how item availability is displayed in the PAC. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify item block descriptions table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Item Block Descriptions database table that lists standard item blocks. All organization use the settings in this table. Add, modify, and delete entries in the Item Block Descriptions database table that lists standard item blocks. All organization use the settings in this table. |
Maintain item price hierarchy table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Item Create Price Hierarchy database table that specifies which fields are checked, and in which order, when copying the price from bibliographic records to their linked item records. Each organization can have its own settings in this table. |
Modify item statistical class codes table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Item Statistical Class Codes policy table. All organizations use the settings in this table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify links to supplier databases |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and deleted entries in the Link to Supplier database table that lists the suppliers users can select in Link to Supplier Databases dialog box. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify loan periods codes table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Loan Period Codes policy table that defines the descriptions for loan period codes. All organizations use the settings in this table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify loan periods table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Loan Periods policy table that specifies loan period durations. All organizations use the settings in this table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify MARC language scoping display table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, delete and reorder entries in the MARC Language Scoping Display policy table that specifies the languages available for scoping searches. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify material types table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Material Types policy table that defines the standard list of item material types. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify NCIP Fiscal Action Types table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the NCIP Fiscal Action Types table that lists the fiscal action types. |
Modify NCIP Medium Types Incoming table |
System |
Allow |
Modify entries in the NCIP Medium Types Incoming policy table that maps NCIP mediums to Polaris item material types for incoming requests where the Polaris library is the requester. |
Modify NCIP Medium Types Outgoing table |
System |
Allow |
Modify entries in the NCIP Medium Types Outgoing policy table that maps Polaris item material types to NCIP medium types for outgoing requests where the Polaris library is the lender. |
Modify NCIP User Privilege Types table |
System |
Allow |
Modify entries in the NCIP User Privilege Types policy table that maps Polaris patron codes to NCIP standard public and/or academic user privilege types. |
Modify network domains table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Network Domains table that is used in multi-domain networks to specify the NetBIOS Name and DNS Name for each domain in the network. |
Modify notification dates not to call table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, delete and reorder entries in the Notification Dates Not to Call table that lists dates when the phone notification server should not make calls. |
Modify notification local area codes table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, delete and reorder entries in the Notification Local Area codes table that lists the local-call area codes for phone notification purposes. |
Modify patron address types table | System | Allow | Maintain the address types list that appears for patron registration in Leap and the staff client. |
Modify local prefix table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, delete and reorder entries in the Notification Local Prefix table that lists local-call prefixes for phone notification purposes. |
Modify SIP Payment Types table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the SIP Payment Types table. |
Modify object locks table |
System |
Allow |
Delete entries in the Object Locks database table to remove object locks. |
Modify outreach services tables |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the outreach services (ORS) policy tables that define options available in the course reserve record workform: Delivery Mode; Delivery Route/Stops; Disability; Equipment; Excluded Circ Statuses; Included Branches; Pick List Headers |
Modify PAC Community limit by display table |
System |
Allow |
Modify entries in the PAC Community Limit By Display policy table that sets the filters displayed in the Limit by list for PAC Community keyword searches. Define and edit custom filters and specify which selection is at the top of the PAC Community keyword Limit by list. |
Modify PAC limit by display table |
System |
Allow |
Modify entries in the PAC Limit By Display policy table that sets the filters displayed in the Limit by list for Polaris PowerPAC bibliographic search and Mobile PAC advanced bibliographic search. Define and edit custom filters, and specify which selection is at the top of the PAC Limit By Display policy table. |
Modify parameters |
System |
Allow |
Change settings on the Parameters tabbed pages for Polaris Administration records. To limit access to parameters at a specific organizational level, use the Branches: Access; Libraries: Access; and System: Access permissions. |
Modify patron codes table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Patron Codes policy table that specifies descriptions for patron codes. All organizations use the settings in this table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify patron statistical class codes table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Patron Statistical Class Codes policy table that specifies that patron statistical classifications used in Circulation reports. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify patron stop descriptions table |
System |
Allow |
Add and modify entries in the Patron Blocks policy table that defines standard patron blocks. All organizations use the settings in this table. (Entries cannot be deleted from this table.) |
Modify patron/materials type loan limit blocks table |
System |
Allow |
Change the entries in the Patron/Material Type Loan Limit Blocks table. (Entries cannot be added to or deleted from this table.) |
Modify payment methods table |
System |
Allow |
Display or suppress payment method options for each branch, and set the display order of the options in the staff client. |
Modify preferences |
Not used |
Do not assign. |
Modify primary display author table |
Not used |
Do not assign. |
Modify primary display title table |
Not used |
Modify product page categories |
System |
Allow |
Access and use the Product page categories: Configure profiles for PowerPAC and Mobile PAC to set the content display options for the PAC. |
Modify profiles |
System |
Allow |
Change settings on the Profiles tabbed pages for Polaris Administration. To limit access to profiles for a specific organization level, use the Branches: Access; Libraries: Access; or System: Access permissions |
Modify search databases table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Search Databases policy table that identifies the Z39.50 target servers for searching. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify selfcheck material types table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the ShelfCheck Material Types policy table that lists material types that can be circulated using a self-check unit. All organizations use the settings in this table. |
Modify shelf locations table |
System |
Allow |
Add, modify, and delete entries in the Shelf Locations database table that lists the shelf location descriptions available to organizations. All organizations use these settings. |
Modify transactions logging table |
System |
Allow |
Change individual entries in the Transaction Logging database table by selecting Yes or No to specify whether a transaction will be recorded in Polaris. |
Object/task control record |
System |
Access; Modify |
Access the Security folders and list permissions in the Polaris Find Tool. Modify permission allows the user to: add and remove permission groups, staff, members, workstations, and organizations in the Security folders for organizations; add and remove permissions in the Permissions view for these records.
Permission Groups |
System |
Access; Create; Modify; Delete |
Access permission group administration records; search for permission groups in the Find Tool; and open the Permission Group folder. Create new permission groups. Modify permission groups by editing membership and permissions. Delete permission groups |
Resource Groups |
System |
Access; Create; Modify; Delete |
Access Resource Groups records that associate organizations with access to remote electronic resources. Create, modify, and delete these resource groups. |
Servers |
System |
Access; Create; Modify; Delete |
Access server connection records, search for servers with the Find Tool, and open the Servers folder in the Administration Explorer. Create, modify, and delete server connections. |
Staff members |
System, Library, Branch |
Access; Create; Modify; Delete |
Access staff member administration records, search for staff members and open the Staff Member folder in the Administration Explorer. Add, modify, and delete staff member records. |
System |
System |
Access; Modify |
Access the System folder in the Administration Explorer or search for the system record with the Find Tool. Modify the name, address, and contact information in the System record. Other permissions are required to change security and attributes at the System level. |
Vendor Account |
System |
Access; Create; Modify; Delete |
Access eContent Vendor Accounts in the Administration Explorer. Create, modify and delete Vendor Account records. |
WebAdmin Access |
System |
Allow |
Log in to WebAdmin (Polaris Language Editor), a Web-based utility used to customize language strings. |
Workstations |
System, Branch |
Access; Create; Modify; Delete |
Access Workstation records for client computers registered in Polaris; search for workstations in the Find Tool; and open the Workstation folder in the Administration Explorer. Create, modify and delete workstation records. |
Weeding Templates | Branch | Access; Create; Modify; Delete | Work with weeding templates (Access permission is needed to search for weeding templates and open weeding templates in Leap.) |