Add a New Collection Record

To add a collection name to Polaris:

  1. Select Administration > Explorer > System on the Polaris shortcut bar. The Administration Explorer appears.

You can also create a new collection record by copying an existing collection record. Select File > Newfrom the Collection workform menu bar and copy or clear the information in the workform. Then you can edit the collection record. See Review and edit collection information.

  1. Select File > New > Collection on the Administration Explorer menu bar. The Collection workform appears.

New Collection Workform

  1. Enter a name for the collection in Name.
  2. Enter an abbreviation for the collection in Abbreviation.

In Polaris Find Tool power searches and PAC Boolean searches, you can search for items in the collection using the access point COL and the collection abbreviation.

An Adult Fiction collection is assigned the abbreviation AF. You can power search for items in this collection by typing COL=AF.

If you use enriched EDI ordering and shelf-ready cataloging with Baker & Taylor, the collection abbreviation is limited to 10 characters or fewer to comply with this vendor’s data requirements.

  1. (Optional) Enter a number for the collection in Additional Loan Units.
    For libraries that offer extended loan periods, this is the number added to the units from the loan periods table during due date calculation. These additional units only apply to patrons who have Extended Loan Periods enabled in the patron's preferences (Leap only). For more information, search Leap help for "Extended Loan Periods."
  2. Select the branch or branches to which this collection belongs, or click Select All if you want to add the collection to all branches. If a branch is already using a collection with the same name, a Duplicate Detection message appears. A branch cannot have duplicate collections.
  3. If your system uses floating collections, and you want items in this collection to be potentially eligible to “float” from branch to branch, select View > Floating branches or click View Floating Branches. Then follow the instructions in Designate collections as eligible to float.
  4. Select File > Save.