Fiscal Year Rollover Checklist

The following checklist summarizes the process for performing fiscal year rollovers. For more details, see Use the Fiscal Year Utility.

When you roll over a fiscal year, you cannot undo the changes.

  1. If you are using EDI, turn off the EDIAgent job a day or two before the rollover.

  2. Decide which of the following options your organization will use for closing out a fiscal year that has a surplus of money remaining in its linked funds:

    • Keep all unexpended funds and roll them into the next fiscal year.

    • Zero out all the unexpended funds. Keep only the funds that are encumbered.

  3. If you are using Polaris Serials, and you want to increase the percentage encumbered in funds used to pay for standing orders and subscriptions, make a note of the percentage increase.

  4. Run the Outstanding Orders report, which lists the purchase orders to be rolled over.

  5. Run the Fiscal Year/Fund Balances Report - Select Run pre-processing reports from the Fiscal Year Rollover Utility. This report shows the current state of the fund balances to be rolled over.

  6. Select the Run fiscal year rollover utility action, then select Run. Repeat this step for each fiscal year.

  7. In the Polaris staff client, search for open fiscal year records. Rename the open fiscal year(s) to show the current year because the name of the new fiscal year will be the same as the old fiscal year.

  8. Review the newly created fiscal years and fund records in the Fiscal Year and Fund explorers. See if fund names need to be changed to reflect the new fiscal year. You can also run the fiscal year rollover reports. If you have any questions about the results, contact your Polaris Site Manager.

  9. If you use EDI ordering, the default segment and header funds are updated automatically in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile. Check the profile to confirm that the default header and segment funds are set correctly. See Set up EDI invoice defaults. Then, reenable your Polaris EDIAgent job.