Use the Fiscal Year Utility

The utility is governed by the Acquisitions permission, Run Fiscal Year Utility: Allow. This permission is available at the Branch level only and is unassigned by default. The permission is assigned by Administration Group and workstations, and may not be assigned to individual staff members.

Users who have the permission for at least one Organization linked to at least one Fiscal Year record whose status is not Closed, will be able to access the Fiscal Year utility dialog. Additionally, users meeting these requirements will be able to see one or more branch Organizations displayed in the Owner list on the Fiscal Year Utility dialog.

Users without the permission for at least one Organization (with linked FY) will be blocked when trying to open the Run Fiscal Year Utility dialog. If insufficient permission, no supervisor override is allowed. A standard message, with only the cancel option enabled, will display.

To use the Fiscal Year Utility

  1. From the Polaris shortcut bar, select Utilities > Acquisitions Processing > Run Fiscal Year Utility.

The Fiscal Year Utility window appears.

Fiscal Year Utility

  1. Select the fiscal year branch in the Owner box.
  2. Select the fiscal year to be rolled over in the Fiscal year box.

Fiscal year records with a status of Open or Encumbrances Closed appear in the list. You can roll over or replicate a fiscal year with a status of Open, or close a fiscal year with a status of Encumbrances closed.

  1. If you want new start and end dates for the fiscal year, select the dates in the New start date and the New end date boxes.

The current start and end dates are based on the selected fiscal year, and the new start and end dates are a year later.

  1. Select Run pre-processing reports.
  2. Select one of the following options:
  1. Click OK to run the utility (or the report if you have chosen to run the report).

While the utility is running Working is displayed in the lower left corner. When the job is complete, Fiscal year rollover completed successfully is displayed.

Run fiscal year rollover utility results

When the Run fiscal year rollover utility option is selected, the utility does the following:

Fund Balances view of the Fund Record -workform

Note (General)

Encumbrance Limits (fund, order, line)

Expenditure/Debit Limits (fund, invoice, line)

Donor view of the Fund Record (if money in the fund was donated) -

Donor name (first)

Donor name (last)

Corporate name

Address 1

Address 2




Postal code





Note (in memory of)



Beginning Allocation


Percent Expended

Beginning Allocation

Carryover Allocation

Total Allocation


Percent Expended

Acq fund droplist setup

Selection list line item defaults

EDI Invoice Defaults

Rollover Free Balance Option

If you have chosen to carry over the money from funds linked to the old fiscal year, and the free balance in the old fund is not equal to $0.00, the utility keeps the unexpended and encumbered funds and rolls them into the next fiscal year. The transactions in the old and the new fund records are posted in the General view of the Fund workform with the date and time of the transaction, a User ID of 1, the amount, the transaction type, the source of the transaction, and a note that describes the transaction.

Old Fund (donation or regular) - The following transactions are posted:

For deposit account A deposit account is an account with a vendor that allows customers to pay all or a portion of the estimated annual billing in advance. Depending on the amount prepaid, the typical discount is from 1.5% to 4.5% more than with a regular plan, where invoices are paid after the receipt of titles. funds with a free balance not equal to 0, the money is always rolled over to the next fiscal year; deposit funds are never zeroed out. A Debit transaction is posted in the old fund and a Credit-Carryover transaction is posted in the new fund.

New Fund - The following transactions are posted:

If you chose to increase the percentage for subscriptions or standing orders, the amount encumbered for subscription or standing order purchase order line item segments and purchase order header charges is increased by this percentage, then posted in one encumbrance amount.

Zero-Out Free Balance Option

If you chose Zero-out free balance in the utility, the free balance in the fund is set to $0.00. Only encumbered funds are carried over into the next fiscal year. The transactions in the old and the new fund records are posted in the General view of the Fund workform with the date and time of the transaction, a User ID of 1, the amount, the transaction type, the source of the transaction, and a note that describes the transaction.

Donation funds and Deposit account funds are always rolled over into the new fiscal year if the balance is not equal to 0; they are never zeroed out even if you chose this option in the Fiscal Year Utility.

Old Fund - If the old fund’s free balance is not equal to $0.00, the following transactions are posted:

New Fund - The following transaction is posted in the new fund:

If you chose to increase the percentage for subscriptions or standing orders, the amount encumbered for subscription or standing order purchase order line item segments and purchase order header charges is increased by this percentage, then posted in one encumbrance amount

Replicate fiscal year hierarchy results

When the Replicate fiscal year hierarchy option is selected, the utility does the following:

You can still expend from funds with a status of Encumbrances closed. If the money is already encumbered, it can be expended. Or, remaining balances can be expended by paying an invoice without a purchase order. However, funds with a status of Encumbrances closed cannot be bulk added to selection list or purchase order line items, even if the fund’s name is in the 970 tag subfield $f.

Close fiscal year

When you replicate a fiscal year, the status of the old fiscal year changes to Encumbrances closed, and you can then close the old fiscal year. Unlike rolling over amounts, replicating and then closing a fiscal year does not roll over purchase order line items to the new fiscal year, carry over fund balances, zero-out fund balances, or post transactions in the closed funds. The old funds linked to the old fiscal year can be closed even if a balance remains. Therefore, your organization needs to carefully review the old fiscal year to see if any amounts remain and adjust the new fiscal year and funds accordingly. When the Close fiscal year option is selected, the utility does the following:

Closed funds do not display in funds lists in selection lists, purchase orders, invoices, or Polaris Administration profiles/parameters.They cannot be bulk added to selection list or purchase order line items, even if the fund’s name is in the 970 tag subfield $f.

Be sure you have verified that all orders/invoices have been properly reconciled before closing the fiscal year because undoing these changes would be difficult, if not impossible.

Fiscal Year Rollover Reports

You can run the following reports before and after you run the Fiscal Year Utility.

Fiscal Year/Fund Balance

Select Run pre-processing reports from the Fiscal Year Utility. The Fiscal Year/Fund Balance report displays the various balances in the funds. After the utility is finished, you can run the report again to make sure that all the funds and the new fiscal year are balanced.

The report lists the following information:

Outstanding Orders Report

From the Polaris Shortcut Bar, select Utilities > Reports and Notices > Outstanding Orders. Then select the organization and time period for which you want to see the status of orders that have not been paid or deleted. Run the Outstanding Orders report again after the Fiscal Year Utility is finished to verify that all titles have been successfully linked to the funds in the new fiscal year.

The reports lists the following information:

Report Date

Date the report was created.

Fiscal Year

Fiscal year for which the titles are being rolled over.

Fiscal Year Start and End Dates

Fiscal year start and end dates.

Order Type

Type of purchase order.

PO Number and Suffix

Numeric identification for the purchase order and its suffix.

Header level Fiscal Year

Fiscal year linked to the fund at the purchase order header level.

Header level Fund

Fund linked to the purchase order as a whole, not to particular line item segments.


Total for the header fund.


Destination library for the line item.


Title of the line item.


ISBN/ISSN for the line item.

Line Number

Number for the line item.

Segment Number

Number of the purchase order line item segment.

POLI Segment Status

Status of the purchase order line item segment.

Payment Status

Payment status for the line item segment.

Linked Subscription record status

The status of the linked subscription record. This is only for purchase orders with an order type of Subscription.

Date Ordered

Date the line item was ordered.

Date Received

Date the line item was received.

Total for this fund

Total amount of line item segment charges allocated to a specific fund (repeated for each fund).