Enter the supplier’s EDI ordering data

If the supplier accepts purchase orders using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and your library wants to send orders electronically to this supplier, the supplier record must contain the correct EDI ordering information. See Prepare for EDI Ordering for a list of the information you need to get from the supplier.


If you are implementing ASN processing with a supplier you have previously sent EDI orders to, before you select the ASN Shipments checkbox in the Supplier record, make sure the Hold partial shipment invoices are created for the day ASN processing will begin. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Ask the supplier for the exact date when they will start producing ASN files.

  • In the morning of the day that ASN processing will begin, wait until the Polaris EDIAgent has run and all remaining EDI invoices for that supplier have been created automatically. If your library does not process partial EDI invoices separately (the Hold partial shipments box is unchecked in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile) go to step 4 of the procedure below.

  • If the Hold partial shipment box is checked in the EDI Invoice Defaults profile for your library organization, go to the Process EDI Invoice workform as soon as the EDIAgent runs, and create the invoices for this supplier. See Process EDI invoices for partial shipments.

To enter information for a supplier that accepts EDI orders:

  1. Open the Supplier workform.
  2. Select EDI orders.

    The EDI Setup options become active. Required fields appear in bold text.

  3. Supplier workform, EDI Setup options

    If you select EDI orders, you cannot save the supplier record without providing the supplier’s seven-digit standard address number (SAN). For more information, see Create a new supplier record.

  4. Select one or both of the following options, if applicable:
    • Enriched EDI orders – Select this checkbox if your library and the supplier have an agreement for the supplier to provide shelf-ready cataloging services.

    Enriched EDI includes cataloging services offered by the vendor, such as branch stickers on books and other materials, fully-cataloged MARC records, and 852 or 949 tags in the bibliographic records that automatically create item records. The type of services and the costs vary according to vendor. For more information, see Enriched EDI Orders and Shelf-Ready Items.

    • ASN Shipments – Select this checkbox if the supplier provides an advanced shipping notice.

    If the ASN Shipments box is selected, EDI invoices are not created automatically. See Receive using the Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN).

  5. Select Account # or SAN/SAN Suffix to indicate the address or profile ID. Your Polaris Site Manager will confirm this information.
  6. Enter the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) address in the FTP Address box. Polaris supports both FTP and Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) addresses.
  7. Enter the FTP username in the Username box.
  8. Enter the FTP password in the Password box.
  9. Note:
    The password does not appear when you enter it.

  10. Enter the directory for the purchase order acknowledgment and invoice in the POA/INV directory box.
  11. Enter the directory for the purchase order in the PO directory box.
  12. Enter the file extension for the purchase order in the PO file extension box.
  13. Select File > Save.

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