Acquisitions Reports
To access Acquisitions reports, select Utilities from the Polaris shortcut bar, and select Reports and Notices > Acquisitions.
- Advanced Shipment Container Content - Lists all items found in a specific package or container for which the supplier has sent an EDI ASN file. Type or scan the 18-digit SSCC tracking barcode in the Report Wizard window. The header shows the date shipped. The report is sorted by title, and it includes the following information: title; author; ISBN or UPC; purchase order number and suffix; purchase order line item ID; and the total quantity sent.
- Advanced Shipment Containers Not Yet Received - Lists all items found in a package/container for which the supplier has produced an ASN, but which has not yet been received through the ASN workform. To generate the report, enter the supplier’s SAN (with or without hyphens) in the Report Wizard dialog box. The report is grouped by tracking barcode, and sorted by title, then purchase order number. It lists the tracking barcode, PO#/Suffix, Title/Author/ISBN (UPC), PO Line ID, Qty Sent, and the Date Shipped.
- Advanced Shipment Notification Log - The Advanced Shipment Notification log displays all titles received via ASN for a supplier and line item status date range. To generate the report, enter the Supplier SAN (with or without the hyphen), the Line item status start date, the Line item status end date, and press Enter or click Submit. The line item status date is the date the line item’s status was updated to Received (all segments were received via ASN).
The report lists purchase order line items that have segments received via ASN within the time period (including the start and end dates) for the specified supplier. It includes the following columns of information sorted by purchase order number, then title, then carton tracking number: PO # / Suffix; Title / Author / ISBN (UPC); Tracking Barcode; POLI ID; Ord - Total quantity ordered from the purchase order line items; Sent - Total quantity shipped by the supplier; Rec - Total quantity of all received purchase order line item segments; ASN Rec - Total quantity of purchase order line item segments received using the Receive ASN Shipments workform; Note - If the shipped quantity was adjusted, a note appears in this column. The report is printed in landscape page orientation. - Average Days On Order by Supplier and Material Type - Shows how long suppliers take to fulfill orders. For each supplier, it shows the material type, the date ordered, the date received, and the destination library.
- Average Material Cost by Supplier - Compare suppliers by the type of material purchased. It shows the average price of invoiced items for each supplier, according to material type.
- Canceled Titles by Supplier - Each canceled title is listed with its ISBN/ISSN, quantity, amount (price), purchase order number, and line number.
- Check In Shelf-Ready Materials - For each branch listed, the report contains the following information:
- Purchase order line item segment receipt information: Purchase order number and suffix; Title and author; Purchase order line ID number and Segment ID number; Fund; Quantity ordered/Quantity received
- Comments: If the line item segment was split because fewer copies were received than were ordered, a note appears in this section.
- Item check in information: The date and time that the item was checked in using the Receive Shipment workform; the workstation name where the check in was done; the user name of the staff member doing the check in; item’s barcode, title, author, ISBN/UPC, item ID, assigned branch abbreviation
- Claims Ready for Cancellation - Lists items that should be cancelled because the maximum number of claims have been generated, and the item still has not been received. If your library has chosen to automatically cancel items after the claim cycle, the items will not appear on this report.
- Currency Exchange Rates - For each library organization selected, the report shows the foreign currency, the exchange rate, the last modified date, and the user who last modified the exchange rate for that organization and foreign currency.
- Electronic Invoice - Specify the date range and the supplier SAN to see the EDI invoices. For each invoice, the report lists the invoice date, the invoice number, the purchase order number, the currency (if a currency other than the base currency was used), the date shipped, and the library account’s SAN ID. Under the invoice information are the details for each purchase order line item, including the purchase order line ID, the ISBN, the title, the quantity, the discount and retail prices, the line item’s purchase order number, and the discount percentage. The report’s page orientation is landscape.
- Electronic Purchase Order Acknowledgment - An electronic purchase order acknowledgment (POA) is the supplier’s response to an electronic purchase order that the library sent. A Polaris utility scans the supplier’s FTP server for acknowledgments and invoices. If a purchase order has been sent and an acknowledgment is on the supplier’s server, the utility downloads the file to the C:\Polaris Reports\EDINew directory (or another directory your library has specified to store these files). The information in the downloaded file is used to create this report.
Use this report to identify the status of titles electronically transmitted in a purchase order. The acknowledgment status codes in the report vary according to supplier. You can also refer to the report to manually adjust a purchase order in Polaris to reflect the current status of on-order titles. Each purchase order confirmed in the report begins a new page, and the information on the page is grouped by line item status. The report’s page orientation is landscape. To run the report, select a branch (or select All) from the Organization list, enter the start date, end date, and the supplier’s SAN without a hyphen. The supplier’s SAN is in the Supplier record.
- Encumbrances and Expenditures by Supplier - Use this report to inform materials suppliers of how much money has been spent (expenditures) and how much money the library plans to spend (encumbrances) for a fiscal year. The report lists suppliers by SAN, and suppliers that share the same SAN are grouped together and listed in alphabetical order. If no SAN is found in the supplier record, the supplier displays individually on the report. The encumbrances and expenditures amounts are sub-totalled for each supplier account, and then totaled for the supplier group.
If your library supports more than one fiscal year hierarchy for the same collection, the report should be run for each fiscal year hierarchy.Suppliers are listed on the report if they are linked to:
- Purchase order line items for which amounts have been encumbered in funds linked to the selected fiscal year.
- Invoice line items for which amounts have been expended from funds linked to the selected fiscal year.
To run the report, select a single branch or all branches (you cannot select multiple branches) under Parameters. The fiscal year records for the selected branch (or all branches) are listed. Then, select a fiscal year from the list, and press Enter or click Submit.
- Expenditures by Fund and Material Type - Use this report to see expenditures grouped by funds (linked to the selected fiscal year) that were used to pay for items (items linked to invoice line item segments).
To run the report, first select a branch, multiple branches or all branches. If your library’s acquisitions tasks are done centrally, select multiple branches or all branches. When multiple branches are selected, the funds are sub-totaled without branch grouping. If your library’s acquisitions tasks are done decentrally, select a single branch to see the fund expenditures for that branch. Next, select the fiscal year. Only one fiscal year can be selected for each report. If the branch uses multiple fiscal years, a separate report must be run for each fiscal period.
Each fund grouping displays the fund’s name and alternative name in a heading. Under the fund heading, the report lists the following information in columns from left to right as follows:- Material type - The material types are sorted alphabetically within the fund group. (This is the item record’s current Material Type, not the linked bibliographic record’s Type of Material (TOM).) Items are counted unless they have been permanently deleted from the database.
- Purchased - The number of items of each material type that were paid for using the listed fund. The total in the Purchased column shows the total number of items of all material types purchased using the listed fund.
- Check-Outs - The number of check out transactions for each material type. The total in the Check-Outs column shows the total number of check outs for items of all material types purchased using the listed fund.
- Amount paid - The dollar amount paid for the items by material type. The total in the Amount paid column is the total for items of all material types paid for using the listed fund.
- Expenditures by Material Type and Fund - Use this report to see expenditures grouped by material type and then sorted by fund within the material type grouping. To run the report, first select a branch, multiple branches or all branches. If your library’s acquisitions tasks are done centrally, select multiple branches or all branches. When multiple branches are selected, the funds are sub-totaled without branch grouping. If your library’s acquisitions tasks are done decentrally, select a single branch to see the fund expenditures for that branch. Next, select the fiscal year. Only one fiscal year can be selected for each report. If the branch uses multiple fiscal years, a separate report must be run for each fiscal period.
Each material type grouping displays the material type heading. Under the material type heading, the report lists the following information in columns from left to right as follows:- Fund - The funds are sorted alphabetically within the material type group.
- Purchased - The number of items of this material type that were paid for using the fund. The total in the Purchased column shows the total number of items with this material type paid for by any of the listed funds.
- Check-Outs - The number of check out transactions for each fund. The total in the Check-Outs column shows the total number of check outs for items with this material type purchased using any of the listed funds.
- Amount paid - The dollar amount paid for the items by fund. The total in the Amount paid column is the total for items with this material type that were paid using any of the listed funds.
- Fund Hierarchy Report - Lists the funds for the selected fiscal year in a hierarchical view (similar to the Fund Explorer view) with sub-funds listed under top-level funds. The top of the report displays the fiscal year’s total amount budgeted, encumbered, expended, available and the total percentage used. If your library orders centrally, you can select the fiscal year for the central processing organization, and the report will display all the top-level funds linked to the selected fiscal year with the subfunds under them. If your library orders decentrally, you can select the fiscal year for a branch, and all the top-level funds linked to the fiscal year will be listed with their subfunds under them. For each top-level fund listed, the following totals are displayed: Total Allocated, Total Encumbered, Total Spent, Total Unspent, Unspent = Total Allocated minus Spent. The totals include all the amounts for the subfunds added together.
- Fund Summary Report - Lists the fund activity for the selected fiscal year. The top of the report displays the fiscal year’s total amount budgeted, encumbered, expended, available and the total percentage used. If ordering is done centrally, the user selects the fiscal year for the central processing organization, and all the funds linked to the fiscal year are listed. If ordering is done decentrally, the user selects the fiscal year, and the funds are grouped by branch. The funds are listed with the totals for each individual fund.
- Fund Transaction Comparisons - Lists any discrepancies between the amount displayed in the fund balances in the Fund workform and amounts that include manual fund adjustments to encumbrances or expenditures.
- Fund Transaction History - Lists the entire transaction history for a fund.
- Funds by Group Name - Lists the library’s fund activity for a specified date range by fund group name. Enter a part or whole fund name, or a portion of a word within a fund name. To see the activity for the current fiscal year, enter the exact start and end dates for the current fiscal year. The fund activity is available only for open fiscal years.
- Invoice Title, Status and Funds - Lists funds according to the invoice line item segment status.
- Items by Approval Plan - Lists items purchased using approval plans within a specified date range, including the material type, unit price, and number of copies for each title ordered under an approval plan An arrangement with a publisher or vendor to send materials automatically. With an approval plan, it is not necessary for the library to order each title individually, and titles that are not considered appropriate may be returned by the library. An approval plan with a vendor is usually an agreement that the library will receive current imprints selected for the library on the basis of a detailed profile..
- Items by Blanket Plan - Lists items purchased using blanket plans within a specified date range. It lists the material type, unit price, and number of copies for each title ordered under a blanket plan A blanket plan (also called a blanket order) is most commonly used for ordering all materials or a specific subset of materials that are published by an organization. In contrast with approval plans, blanket plans do not generally allow return privileges with simple deductions from the invoice. With blanket plans, quality is less important than comprehensiveness of coverage. Blanket plans can be as narrow as a specific publisher’s series or as broad as a request to send all material of a particular type or on a particular subject..
- Items by Donor Fund - Lists items purchased with donor funds within a specified date range, including the material type, unit price, and number of copies for each title ordered under a donor fund.
- Items Ordered by Deposit Account Fund - Lists items purchased with deposit account A deposit account is an account with a vendor that allows customers to pay all or a portion of the estimated annual billing in advance. Depending on the amount prepaid, the typical discount is from 1.5% to 4.5% more than with a regular plan, where invoices are paid after the receipt of titles. funds within a specified date range, including the material type, unit price, and number of copies for each title ordered under a deposit account fund.
- List of Funds by Fiscal Year - Lists the fiscal year and fund hierarchy for each library for all open fiscal years and funds. It includes the total amount allocated; the total currently encumbered and expended; the free balance; and the total amount remaining for each fund listed. The Report Parameters window displays the fiscal years according to the selected Organization(s).
- List of Suppliers by Owning Branch - The supplier information includes the supplier SAN (Standard Address Number), library account number, order address, payment address, and claim address.
- Number of Titles by Supplier - The number of titles that were ordered from a supplier over a specified period of time.
- Outstanding Claims by Supplier - Lists unresolved claims made for titles that were ordered but not received.
- Outstanding Orders - Lists purchase orders that are pending or have not been paid. It is useful to run this report to see the outstanding orders before running the Fiscal Year Rollover Utility. For each purchase order listed, the report shows the purchase order number, order type, ordering library, and the total amount of the purchase order. For each title ordered, the report shows the number of copies ordered for each destination/collection.
To run the report, select the organization for which you want to list the outstanding orders, and select the start and end dates to define a date range. You can limit the report output further by selecting a fiscal year. - PO Title Status and Fund - Use this report to see the status of purchase orders. It lists fund encumbrances and disencumbrances, according to the purchase order line item segment statuses (canceled, on order, pending, received) and payment statuses (open, paid, or prepaid). In the Report Wizard dialog box, select the organization, payment status, and purchase order status. Then, specify the payment status start and end dates, and the purchase order status start and end dates.
- Preliminary Level Bibliographic Records - Identifies preliminary bibliographic records created in Acquisitions, so these records can be fully cataloged. When bibliographic information is entered in the Description fields of a Purchase Order Line Item (either manually or using Titles to Go), a preliminary bibliographic record is created with an encoding level of 5 (partial or preliminary) in the Leader position 17. The report identifies any bibliographic record with Leader position 17=5, and other details like Title, ISBN, and the number of the linked purchase order. The purchase order must have been released for it to appear in this report. If there is invoice data, it is included in the report.
- Shelf Ready Items Not Received in Acquisitions - Use this report to see purchase order line items that have not been updated to Received but the linked shelf-ready items have been checked in. The report lists any purchase order line item segment with a status of Pending, Cancelled, Closed, Currently Received or Received that has linked Items with a circulation status other than On-Order.
- Supplier Performance Report- Use this report to see the number of items ordered and received; the fill rate; and the number of items canceled and claimed. Select the library or branch for which you want to see the supplier data, and select the date range.
- Uncataloged Titles with Holds - Use this report to expedite the cataloging of received items that have hold requests. It identifies titles that had no hold requests at the time they were received, but then hold requests were made later on these received items. The report shows the bibliographic record ID number, the title, author, format, received date, and the number of holds. The report is sorted in descending order by the purchase order line item’s receipt date (most recent first), then by title in ascending order. An uncataloged title appears in the report if all items linked to the purchase order line item have a status of In-Process or On-Order, and at least one item has a status of In-Process. This status means that at least one copy of the title in the purchase order line item has been received. Also, the hold requests must have a status of Active to appear on the report.
The Holds Purchase Alert Circulation report is useful in making purchasing decisions because it lists titles that are requested frequently, but have too few items to meet the demand. To generate the report, select the Utilities menu from the Polaris shortcut bar. Then select Reports and Notices, Circulation, Holds, Holds Purchase Alert. For more information, see Circulation Reports.