Create a Miscellaneous Invoice

If you need to distribute charges, use another type of order such as an approval plan An arrangement with a publisher or vendor to send materials automatically. With an approval plan, it is not necessary for the library to order each title individually, and titles that are not considered appropriate may be returned by the library. An approval plan with a vendor is usually an agreement that the library will receive current imprints selected for the library on the basis of a detailed profile. order. You cannot distribute charges on a miscellaneous invoice.

You can use miscellaneous invoices to track library expenditures or credits that are not directly linked to specific bibliographic records. When you enter an invoice line item in a miscellaneous invoice, you do not search for and select a bibliographic record. Instead, you type a description of the charge or credit in the Title box, but no brief bibliographic record is created.

Miscellaneous invoices do not require a link to a supplier record either. You can create a miscellaneous invoice that has charges or credits at the header level but no line items.

You can search for miscellaneous invoices in the Find Tool by selecting Type in the Limit by box and Miscellaneous in the Value box.

To create a miscellaneous invoice:

  1. Select File > New from the shortcut bar.
  2. The New dialog box appears.

  3. Select Invoice in the Objects list, and click OK.
  4. The Invoice workform appears.

  5. Type the number for the invoice in the Invoice number box.
  6. Select Miscellaneous in the Type box.

    You do not need to link to a supplier record when the invoice type is Miscellaneous, but you will receive a message when you save the invoice without a supplier.

  7. (Optional) To link to a supplier record, click Find next to the Supplier box and search for a supplier.
  8. To enter header charges for a miscellaneous invoice, do the following steps:

    If you enter a charge incorrectly, select it in the list and click Remove, then re-enter it and click Add.

    1. On the Invoice workform-General view (view 1), in the Header Charges section, select the charge type in the Charge type box.
    2. Type an amount in the Amount box.
    3. Select a fund in the Fund box, or if the fund is not in the list, click Find and search for and select the fund using the Find Tool.
    1. Click Add to add the charge type, amount, and fund to the list of charges.
  9. To add line items to a miscellaneous invoice, do the following steps:
    1. Select View > Line Items or click .

    The Line Items view appears.

    Press CTRL+I to add a new line item.

    1. Click on the items toolbar.

    The Invoice Line Item workform appears.

    1. In the Title box, type a description for the service or materials being purchased.

      When the invoice type is Miscellaneous, the Find Tool is unavailable because a miscellaneous invoice line item is not linked to a bibliographic record. When you enter title information in the miscellaneous invoice line item, no brief bibliographic record is created.

    1. Type a price for the service or materials in the Unit price box.
    2. Type a quantity for the segment in the Quantity box. Unlike regular invoices, you do not need to receive the quantity to pay or credit it.
    3. Select the library that is receiving the service or materials in the Destination box.

    The display of the funds is controlled by the settings in the Acquisitions/Serials profile Acq fund droplist setup. See Specify how funds are displayed in Acquisitions.

    1. Select a fund in the Fund box, or click to search for the fund.

    To pay for or credit the segment using more than one fund, click , and follow the instructions in Split funds for a purchase order line item segment.

  10. Add more line item segments, if necessary.
  11. Select File > Save to save the invoice line item to the invoice record.
  12. Select File > Save to save the invoice.
  13. If you have not selected a supplier, a message box appears.

  14. Click Yes to save the miscellaneous invoice without a supplier or click No and use the Find Tool to select a supplier.
  15. Then, save the miscellaneous invoice.

    To credit a credit memo, create a Misc Invoice and select Tools- Credit.

  16. Select Pay or Credit to post the expenditure or unexpenditure transaction in the linked fund or funds.

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