Print Claim Notices

You can print claim notices for the titles your library is claiming. Polaris generates a notice for each supplier with one or more claimed titles. There are two types of notices: the Initial claim notice that includes all the titles being claimed for the first time, and the Claim notice that includes all the titles already claimed.

To generate claim notices for the titles your library is claiming from suppliers:

To include claimed items for a particular supplier, the Claim notice checkbox must be selected on the Supplier Record workform - Claims view.

  1. Select Utilities > Reports and Notices on the Polaris Shortcut Bar.
  2. The Polaris Reports dialog box appears.

  3. Select Notices > Acquisitions > Claim Notices.
  4. The Report Wizard dialog box appears.

  5. Select the organization(s) that sent the claim notices.
  6. Select Branch > Library > or System in the Return Address box to specify the address to use for the claim notice.

  7. Select dates in the Start Date and End Date boxes to specify the date range for the claims.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. The Claim Notice pdf appears in Adobe Reader.


  10. Click Print on the Adobe Reader toolbar to print the claim notice.

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