Setting Up Routing

You can use Polaris Administration settings to define the defaults that display on route slips; specify whether route slips are printed in batch or individually; specify a receipt or a regular printer for route slips; and (optionally) set up routing notices to notify members of a route list when issues are routed to them.

To print route slips on a receipt printer, the receipt printer must be the default printer for the workstation where staff members do serials check in. If another type of printer is the workstation’s default printer, route slips will be printed on regular 8.5 x 11 inch paper.

The information printed on route slips is defined in the Route List workform, but only the Return by date, the title and designation of the issue, and the list of names appear on the route slip if you use a receipt printer. If you print route slips on 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper, the route list name, owner, return by date, home location, return instructions, and header and footer are printed. See Creating Route Lists.

See also: