Set Up Routing Notices

When you route an issue, you can notify the members of the route list that the issue has been routed to them. You can specify whether the notice will be sent in an e-mail or printed.

A routing notice is not a route slip, which is a printed list of the people to whom the issue is routed. A route slip is attached to the issues being routed. For more information about route slips, see Routing Serial Issues. Routing notices can be e-mailed or printed.

To set up routing notices:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, expand the organization’s folder.
  2. Select Parameters and click the Notification tab.
  3. Double-click Notification options.

The Notification Options dialog box - General tabbed page appears.

  1. Select the Serial tab.
  2. Select Routing.
  3. Select a method in the Notification method box.

Phone and TXT message notification methods are not available for routing.

  1. If you selected E-mail or Patron Preference in the Notification Method box, set up the notice in the E-mail notice area:
    • Type the subject of the e-mail in the Subject box.
    • Type the text of the e-mail notice in the Text box. There is no default or item-specific information for routing notices.
  2. If you selected Print or Patron Preference in the Notification Method box, set up the notice in the Printed notice area:
  1. Click Save.

See also

Routing Serial Issues.