Add a Special Issue/Part at Check In

You may receive a special issue or part of a serials title that has the same name as the serials title but is published outside of the usual publication pattern. In this case, you can add the issue or part at check in. To add a special issue or part:

Serial issues display in the PAC according to the retention information in the serial holdings record and the most-recently checked in issue, including special issues. For example, if the serial holdings record specifies that issues will be retained for one year, and the special issue is checked in a year after all the other issues were checked in, only the special issue will be displayed in the PAC. The retention information can be changed in the linked serial holdings record. See Displaying Serial Titles in the PAC.

For special issues that follow the publication pattern, but have a different title than the title in the serial holdings record, see Predict issues/parts with different titles.

  1. Right-click a pattern on the Serial Holdings Record workform.

The context menu appears.

  1. Select Add issue/part from the context menu.

The new issue or part displays in the Issue or Part workform. It contains the captions and category from the linked pattern, a status of Expected, and information from the Serial Holdings Record.

  1. Type a value for each level of enumeration The designation reflecting the alphabetic or numeric scheme used by the publisher on an item or assigned when the holdings statement is created to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each unit to the unit as a whole. and chronology The date(s) used by the publisher on a serially-issued bibliographic unit to help identify or indicate when it was published. The chronology may reflect the dates of coverage, publication, or printing..

The read-only Chronology date in the Issue or Part workform is the internal chronology date Polaris uses for displaying the issue or part in the correct order in the PAC. The chronology date always displays as MM/DD/YYYY format, whether or not all three levels of chronology are defined in the publication pattern. The chronology date uses the year selected in the first level of chronology if it is selected, or the current year if the year is not selected. If the month and day are not defined, the chronology date uses the month and day from the publication pattern's start date.

  1.  Type or select an expected arrival date in the Expected arrival date box.
  2.  Select File > Save to save the issue.
  1. Check in the issue, following the steps in Checking In Serials.

If the second level of enumeration in the publication pattern indicates the enumeration restarts after a certain number of issues, you will get a warning message if the issue you are adding exceeds that number. For example, the publication pattern is for a quarterly and the second level of enumeration indicates the numbering restarts after 4 issues. You receive an extra issue that you want to be issue number 5. You can save this issue, but you will receive a warning message that says: “This issue's enumeration contains a value greater than 4. Do you want to continue saving this issue?”