Claiming in Serials

An issue or part may be claimed if it does not arrive when expected, it arrives damaged, or the wrong issue is received. To set up claiming, you enter the claiming data in the Supplier record, and the data is copied automatically to the Serial Holdings records linked to this supplier. You can change the claiming data in the Serial Holdings record, and add more claiming intervals beyond those in the Supplier record.

You can set up manual or automatic claiming, and you can specify the claim notification method and text in Polaris Administration. See Set up claiming notification.

If you select manual claiming, issues or parts go to Pending claim status (via overnight processing), and they remain pending on the Claim Alert List until you claim the issue or part. When you claim the issue or part from the Claim Alert List, the issue or part’s status changes to Claimed. As each issue or part is claimed manually, a notice is generated as an e-mail or printable notice, depending on how you set the notice method in Polaris Administration.

If you select automatic claiming, issues or parts change to a Claimed status via overnight processing. The claim notices are generated automatically as e-mail or printable notices, depending on your claiming notification method.

When the claiming method is set to e-mail, the e-mail notices are generated (either by automatic or manual claiming), and they are sent out by the e-mail manager. When the claiming method is set to print, the notices are also generated, but you must print the notices by going to Utilities, Reports and Notices. See Print a claim notice.

See also: