Claim from the Serial Issue/Part Workform

If you did not select Automatic claiming, you can manually generate claims from the issue or part record. You can search for issues or parts by title and limit by the status of Pending Claim to find specific issues.

To claim from the Serial Issue or Part workform:

  1. Open the Serial Issue or Serial Part workform for the issue or part that is eligible to be claimed.
  2. Select Tools > Claim or click claimiconiss.gif.

A message asks if you are sure you want to claim the issue or part.

  1. Click OK.

The claim data is recorded in the Claims view of the Issue or Part workform under Claim History. A claim notice is generated and sent to the supplier via e-mail, if you have set up the notice method as E-mail. If your claim notice method is set to Print, you can print the notice.

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