Setting Patron Access Options - Overview

You can use the Patron access options PAC profile in Polaris Administration to specify the options that are available to patrons for registering or updating their account information from the PowerPAC or Mobile PAC.


For Patron Access Options, PowerPAC and Mobile PAC honor system administration settings as follows:

  • If the patron is signed in, the system uses the setting for the patron's registered branch.
  • If the patron is not signed in, the system uses the setting for the connection branch.

The Patron Access Options dialog box has separate tabs to specify the following types of patron account settings:

In addition to the patron account options, you can set holds options that enable patrons to change the hold pickup branch. See Set hold options: Enable patrons to change the holds pickup branch from the PAC.

Any email from PAC, including Ask Us messages, requires you to specify the SMTP server in Polaris Administration. Double-click the PAC profile Email notification: Server running SMTP service, and type the domain name of the email SMTP server.

See also: