Title Lists in Mobile PAC

Patrons using Mobile PAC can develop and save title lists from search results. From the working title list, individual title information or the whole list can be sent by email, and working title lists can be saved to the patron account. Titles can be copied or moved among a patron’s title lists, and patrons can place requests and view availability information and enriched content for titles in a title list.

See also:

Creating a Working List

To create a working list, the user taps the Add to my list link for a title returned in search results. The link is displayed in the initial results list and in the detailed view for a title. Working title lists are limited to 100 titles. When the user tries to add more, the system displays a message advising the user to save the list.

After the title has been added, the link changes to Remove, which the user can tap to remove the title from the working list.

When at least one title has been added to the working list, the bottom of each search results page displays links to access or clear the working list. The user clicks Working list to display the working list. You can choose a Sort by option at the top of the page and tap Go to sort the list according to your selection.

Email Options

From the working list page, the user can check and delete individual titles from the working list, check individual titles and tap EMail, or tap Email All to send the entire list. When the user taps Email or Email All, the email page is displayed. Format options include Brief Bibliographic and Full Bibliographic.

After selecting a format, the user types an email address and taps Email.

Very long emails may exceed system or email service limits that prevent successful delivery. Very long emails may exceed system or email service limits that prevent successful delivery. In this case, the system displays an alert message. The user can tap OK to close the alert and send the email, or Cancel to return to the title list. The user can then select a different display format, or select fewer titles.

Saving Lists

Logged on patrons can access the working list and any previously saved lists by clicking My Lists on the My Account page. The Saved Lists page is displayed.

The working list is available for the current session. To create a new saved list, the patron taps Create new saved title list. The Create List page opens, where the patron can name and save the new list.

The new list is saved with no titles in it. Titles can be copied or moved from the working list or an existing saved list to the new list (or to any other saved list.)

Copying and Moving Titles Among Lists

From the Saved Lists page, the patron opens the list that contains the title to be copied or moved.

From the list of titles, the patron checks the title or titles and taps Copy or Move. The Copy or Move page opens.

The patron chooses a destination list from the saved lists in the patron account, and taps Copy to or Move to. The selected title is copied or moved to the destination list.

Title Details

When the patron taps a title in the title list, the Title Detail page opens.

From the Title Detail page, the patron can select a display format or tap the title link for further options on the product page; for example, viewing availability information, viewing detailed bibliographic information, placing a hold request on the title, viewing enriched data.

Requested Indicator

You can display a "requested" indicator in Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC title lists for titles on which the patron has an active, pending, held, shipped, or located hold request. The indicator is a message: You requested this on [date]; the system supplies the date. See Configuring the PowerPAC Title Display and Configuring the Mobile PAC Title Display.

Setting Up Mobile PAC Title Lists

To provide the title list option in Mobile PAC, set the PowerPAC profile Title list: Enable to Yes in Polaris Administration. To allow patrons to email selected titles or entire lists, set the PowerPAC profile Title list: Email to Yes. These settings also apply to Polaris PowerPAC. See Enabling PAC Title Lists.

You can edit text strings related to Mobile PAC title lists using Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin). For more information, see WebAdmin online Help.