Credit Card Payments from Mobile PAC

Mobile PAC supports credit card payments for patron account charges and donations, using the any Polaris-supported gateway (see Setting Up E-Commerce). E-commerce for Mobile PAC is a separately licensed feature, but there is no additional cost for the license.

When credit card payments for fines and fees are enabled, patrons can select charges to pay and click Pay Fines on the Fines and Fees page of the patron account. The Payment form opens, where the patron enters and submits billing and credit card information.

If donations are enabled, the link appears in the footer of Mobile PAC pages and as a Make a Donation link on the Home page. To display these links, set the Mobile PAC profile Navigation: Donations to Yes. (The user can choose to display or suppress the Make a Donation link on the home page from the User Preferences page.)

When the user taps the donation link, the donation form opens. Like Polaris PowerPAC, the user does not have to log on to make a donation.

The user completes the form and taps Next to open the credit card Payment form, where the user supplies and submits billing and credit card information.

For detailed information about setting up e-commerce in Polaris, see Setting Up E-Commerce. Once you have set up e-commerce, use the Credit Card Payment parameter Online payments: Configure to set up credit card payments from Mobile PAC.

To accept Mobile PAC online payments, you must enable secure socket layer (SSL) in Polaris Administration. Set the SSL: Enable Mobile PAC parameter for the Web server to Yes. See Setting Web Server Parameters. Patrons must have SSL protocol enabled for their mobile device Web browser.