Setting Web Server Parameters

The Polaris Web server typically hosts Polaris PowerPAC and Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin), stores settings for the Polaris Phone Attendant (inbound telephony), and may also include the report server and/or Polaris Mobile PAC. After you register a Polaris server with a Web server connection, you set parameters that indicate where the components are located for the Web interface to Polaris PowerPAC or Mobile PAC. Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) software must be installed on the Web server and configured before you set Web server parameters in Polaris Administration.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

You can encrypt the personal data of your patrons (use https:) when they use Polaris PowerPAC or Mobile PAC. The encryption protects their logon and library account information when they log on to use the Ask Us feature, request holds, renew items, or review their accounts. Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC work without using SSL protocols, but personal data sent over the Internet is exposed to potential interception. To enable data encryption for patron account information in Polaris PowerPAC, set the SSL: Enable: PowerPAC parameter for the Web server to Yes. Patrons must have SSL protocol enabled for their Web browser and must accept the Microsoft certificate the first time they log on from outside the library. Data encryption is automatically used when a patron logs on. Catalog searches and functions that do not require log-on can use encryption, but connection performance may be slower. To enable data encryption for Mobile PAC, set the SSL: Enable: Mobile PAC parameter for the Web server to Yes. This parameter sets the entire Mobile PAC site (not just patron account information) to https. You can also secure the entire PowerPAC site. See Set the entire PowerPAC site to https only.

For e-commerce, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) provides a secure environment for Web-based credit card transactions that follows industry standards. All communications use https:// by an SSL connection. Payments from PAC cannot be made unless you have installed an SSL server certificate and an SSL connection has been established. A binding is made between port 443 and the PowerPAC Web site certificate, and SSL encrypts the data transferred from the patron’s Web browser to the library’s PowerPAC Web site (IIS) server.

To enable SSL in IIS, you must first obtain a certificate that is used to encrypt and decrypt the information that is transferred over the network. The certificate must support 128-bit encryption.

IIS includes its own certificate request tool that you can use to send a certificate request to a certification authority. This tool simplifies the process of obtaining a certificate. For instructions on enabling SSL in IIS, go to:

If you plan to accept credit card payments and donations from PAC, you must install the appropriate certificates and enable SSL. For more information about setting up credit card processing with Polaris. See Setting Up E-Commerce.

See also: