Deleting Records

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can delete certain kinds of Polaris records. When you delete some types of records, you are permanently removing them from the Polaris database, and they cannot be recovered. However, for cataloging records, your Polaris Administrator can set the following profiles to control deletion of these records: Retain Deleted Authority Records, Retain Deleted Bibliographic Records and Retain Deleted Item Records. If these profiles are set to Yes, cataloging records are marked for deletion, but they are not removed from the Polaris database unless you run a purge process. See Managing Record Deletion.

You can delete records from the Polaris Find Tool, from record sets, from linked list boxes and from workforms. If the record you want to delete is linked to one or more other records, a message tells you that the record cannot be deleted. If you have the required permissions, you can suppress the unbreakable and breakable links messages when you are deleting multiple item, bibliographic, or patron records. This prevents a message from appearing for each record that has these links when you are deleting many records at once.

See also: