Set fine receipt options

Fine receipts always display the library name, date/time, type of receipt, title, reason (from the charge transaction), the amount paid or waived, and total charges. You can add any of the following information: call number (associated item); item barcode; material type; patron name; library phone number; Web address (library URL); patron name; last 5 digits of the patron barcode; staff record number (unique identification number from the staff member record); any user-defined field from the patron record; transaction number (unique identifying number of the transaction). You can also set Polaris to print duplicate fine receipts if your audit policies require them. To select additional information to appear on fine receipts and enable duplicate receipts if required.

You can set these options at the system, library, or branch level.

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the organization, and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view.
  2. Double-click Fine receipt options. The Fine Receipt Options dialog box appears.


  1. To print a field on the fine receipt, select the field in the Options list and click Add. The field is placed in the Selections list. (To remove a field from the fine receipt, select the field in the Selections list, and click Remove. The field is placed in the Options list.)

The options include any user-defined fields. If you add Suppress for waived charges, the fine receipt is not printed for only a waived transaction. However, if a transaction contains both payments and waives, the receipt is printed regardless of this setting.

  1. Click Save on the dialog box.
  2. To enable duplicate printed fine receipts for the organization, set the Patron Services parameter Fine receipts: Print duplicate receipt to Yes.

At each staff client workstation, you must enable the receipt from each workform that generates the receipt. See Loading... this may take several minutes to complete..

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