Bound-With Notices, Slips, Receipts and Displays

When a request is placed on the host record, all print, e-mail, and phone hold notices use the title and author from the host record. If the request has been placed on the constituent record, all print, e-mail, and phone and phone export notices include the constituent title, with the text “Included in [Host title]”. There is a 100 character limit for the host title, including the default text and the constituent title. As a result, the system is configured to allow 43 characters for the host title and 43 characters for the constituent title. Titles exceeding this character count will be cut off at 43 characters.

Hold slips and pickup slip formats for holds placed on the host record will use the title for the host record. The same behavior applies for constituent titles, with the hold slips and pickup slip formats using the constituent title. For both titles, there is a 25 character limit.

For items that are converted to an ILL, the request will be based upon the host record data. Constituent title data in the hold request will not be copied to the ILL request.

See also Circulating Bound-With Materials.