Viewing Circulation Statuses and Editing Descriptions

One common set of circulation statuses is used in item transactions from any branch in the system. The Circulation Statuses database table, available only from the Administration Explorer, identifies the standard names for item circulation statuses.

Although the circulation status entries are owned by the system level, you can view the table and modify the status descriptions from any level. If your library uses the Polaris Web application, Leap, you can also define circulation status text to appear on a banner on the bottom of the book jacket image on the Item Record workform in Leap.

The Circulation Statuses table is set up during Polaris implementation, conversion, and site installation. All organizations in a Polaris installation must agree on the circulation statuses to use. You can view circulation status names, edit descriptions, and define banner text for Leap, but you cannot add or delete entries.

These System Administration permissions are required to view this table: Access administration: Allow, Access tables: Allow.

Circulation statuses are displayed in the following locations in the Polaris staff client:

Default Circulation Statuses

The default circulation statuses are: