Setting Lost Item Recovery Defaults

When a lost item is recovered at check out or check in, the charges associated with the item must be resolved (charged, waived, credited, or left as is, as appropriate). With the Patron Services parameter Lost item recovery, you can set the default actions so that the charges are resolved automatically when lost items are recovered at circulation, and staff members do not have to resolve each item manually. Charges for lost items may include a replacement charge, a processing fee, and an overdue charge. You can set up separate resolutions depending on whether the charges have been paid or remain unpaid.

The governing library setting for lost item recovery (transacting library or lending library) determines which library’s settings rule when a lost item is recovered at circulation. The governing library for fines determines how the overdue charges are calculated. For more information about governing library settings, see Set fine receipt options. The replacement charge and processing fee are calculated according to the settings for the item’s assigned branch. See Setting Replacement Fee Defaults.

You can set separate default actions for normal check in, bulk check in, and check out. Your settings determine how lost items are resolved in the online staff client and in the following situations:

SIP/NCIP circulation does not support default settings, and returns error messages for lost items.

See also: Set the lost item recovery default actions