Patron Services Administration Overview
Polaris Administration settings control how Polaris data is categorized, used, and stored, and what functions are available to staff and patrons. You can make most administration settings by two methods: through the Administration Explorer, and through the appropriate workform for a specific record. Patron services administration includes specific settings for patron services and circulation functions. Many Patron Services Administration settings apply to both the Polaris staff client and Polaris Leap.
For information on the Patron Services Administration settings that affect Leap, see Polaris Leap Administration.
For more information on the features and functions for managing Polaris Patron Services, see the following topics:
Setting Circulation Permissions
Granting permissions for staff based on their library tasks.
Setting Patron Services Parameters and Profiles
Overview of patron services parameters and profiles and how to set them.
Defining Patron Account Features
Setting up patron codes, user-defined fields, and patron custom data fields for patron records; NCIP mapping; setting defaults for patron registration and express registration; charging for patron registration; setting up patron messages; setting up patron photo identification and importing photos; options for duplicate detection, reading histories, deleting patron records; setting patron accounting functions; purging patron identification information from transaction logs.
Setting Up E-Commerce - Overview and Requirements
Setting up credit card processing.
Setting Up Circulation Workforms
Specifying the data fields for the check-out and check-in workforms.
Setting Up Circulation Receipts
Setting up printed check-out and check-in receipts, Items Out receipts, fine receipts, hold slips/hold call slips, and in-transit slips; setting receipt printer control codes; Epson® ReStick™ printers; setting up eReceipts (e-mail and text message receipts).
Item Record Circulation Settings
Defining the item record settings (material types and circulation statuses) that affect circulation; mapping item material types to NCIP medium types; setting a “shelving” status for display purposes; displaying an item’s last borrower.
Circulation Permissions Reference
Specifying which library’s settings should control due date calculation, loan and request limits, and fine calculation.
Settings for calculating due dates, loan period codes, loan periods, end-of-term due dates.
Fines and fees, including fine codes, fine amounts, fee descriptions, and replacement fees; setting default account actions for lost-and-recovered items; charging for checkout and renewal.
Set up basic operating features for Polaris PowerPAC
Setting up automated collection agency reporting; processing collection agency reports.
Setting Up Hold and ILL Loan Request Processing
Setting up hold requests routing; setting up holds and interlibrary loan processing; restricting holds on specific items.
Implementing and Using INN-Reach Integration
Overview and steps for implementing INN-Reach direct consortial borrowing with Polaris.
Defining Circ and Request Limit Blocks
Item and patron blocks; loan and request limit blocks; blocking for estimated accrued fines; material type group limits; blocks on patron-initiated renewals and ebook circulation; associated patron blocking.
Setting Up Floating Collections
Floating collections overview; designating floating collections; setting home and receiving branch policies; setting branch parameters; setup examples; reports.
Setting up Polaris to work offline; using Polaris offline; uploading offline transactions (Bookmobile).
Setting Statistical Codes for Reports
Defining patron and item statistical codes for reporting purposes.
Setting up overdue, billing, hold request, fine, combined, and routing notices (print, e-mail, text message, and phone notification); reminders and special announcements; generating print, e-mail, and text message notices.
Setting Up SIP Self-Check Circulation
Settings for SIP self-check systems.
Overview and set-up information for media dispenser circulation in the staff client and Polaris ExpressCheck.
Enabling and configuring Borrow by Mail request processing.
Configuring Outreach Services: setting up delivery modes and routes; disability and equipment options; selection list filters; list view column heads; reader ratings scale and packing list.
Setting up course reserve functions to manage reserving and circulating items for academic courses.
Reference list of circulation permissions as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer, Security view.
Reference list of Patron Services parameters as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer - Parameters, Patron Services tabbed page.
Patron Services Profiles Reference
Patron Services profiles available at organization levels and reference list of Patron Services profiles as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer - Profiles, Patron Services tabbed page.
Reference list of Notification parameters as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer - Parameters, Notification tabbed page.
Reference list of Request parameters as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer - Parameters, Request tabbed page.
Self-Check Parameters Reference
Reference list of SelfCheck Unit parameters as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer - Parameters, SelfCheck Unit tabbed page.
Credit Card Payment Parameters Reference
Reference list of Credit Card Payment parameters as they appear in the Polaris Administration Explorer - Parameters, Credit Card Payment tabbed page.