Patron Services Profiles Reference

These profiles are available on the Profiles > Patron Services tabbed page on the Administration Explorer, at the listed organizational levels.


Org Level


Default Setting

Audio feedback for barcode scan


Specifies if a workstation produces a sound to signal a successful barcode scan. Most barcode readers are programmed to beep for a correct scan. If your reader does not produce a sound, you can enable a sound with this setting. The sound comes from the default computer speaker or external speakers, depending on the setting of the Circulation Option dialog box (Circulation, Options on Polaris Shortcut Bar). If you select Use Windows Sounds , the sound is specified by the Default Sound setting on the Sounds dialog box (displayed from the Windows Control Panel). See Set up audio circulation signals.


If you set this profile to Yes, you must restart the Polaris staff client on the workstation before it takes effect.

BNC FTP: Set mode to Active

System Determines whether you use Active or Passive FTP to send files to BookNet Canada (BNC). For details, see BNC Reporting Now Includes New Data. Yes

Contribute to BNC

System Determines whether your library system’s branch and circulation statistics are compiled and sent through FTP to BNC. For details, see BNC Reporting Now Includes New Data. No

Contribute to LJ Books Most Borrowed


Determines whether your library system’s circulation and hold request statistics are compiled for inclusion in Library Journal’s Books Most Borrowed feature. For details, see Sending Circulation Statistics to Library Journal.

Yes - Via Web Service

Default directory

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Displays the Default Directory Setup dialog box, which specifies the folder used as the default path for patron services reports. The folder can be a shared folder on the network or a folder on the staff computer. Each workstation may have a different default directory for patron services functions.


Display photo ID

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Determines whether the Patron Registration workform - Photo ID view is available and whether the patron’s ID photo is displayed in the Check Out workform. This feature is available by separate license. See Setting Up Patron Photos.

Applies to Leap. If this profile is set to Yes, and the patron's record includes a photograph, it appears in the Patron Registration workform and workform tracker in Leap. If the profile is set to No, a generic patron icon appears.


Due Date modification: Reason required System, Library, Branch, Staff Specifies whether a reason is required when a staff member resets an item's due date in Polaris Leap. If set to Yes, the staff member must select a reason from a drop-down list when resetting the due date in Leap. The Reasons drop-down list is populated with the entries in the User Defined Due Date Modification Reasons policy table.


FTP password for the BNC account System Defines the password to sign in to BNC.  
FTP URI for BNC System Defines the URI of the FTP server responsible for sending data files to BNC.  
FTP user name for the BNC account System Defines the username to sign in to BNC.  

Override patron services blocks


Specifies whether the staff member can override permission blocks in patron services and circulation.

No - The staff member is not allowed to override permission blocks on restricted patron services and circulation functions.

Patron can enable/disable reading history

System, Library, Branch

Specifies if the patron can stop or start a reading history from the PAC patron account.

Requirements: If you will allow patrons to start and stop reading histories, you must set up reading history parameters. Also, Outreach Services patrons cannot stop their reading histories. See Setting Reading History Options.

No - Patrons cannot enable or disable their reading histories.

If set to Yes, the option is available in the Contact Information and Preferences section of the PAC patron account.

Patron custom data: Definition


Defines patron custom data fields at the library system level. See the Patron Services Administration PDF Guide, Setting Up Patron Custom Data Fields. See Setting Up Patron Custom Data Fields.

Patron custom data: Filter

System, Library, Branch

Once the patron custom data fields are defined at the system level, they can be filtered at the branch or library level using the Patron custom data: Filter profile.

See Setting Up Patron Custom Data Fields.

Patron initiated circulation: Blocking conditions

System, Library, Branch

Sets the conditions that block renewals from PAC, by telephone, and from SIP self-check units, and eContent circulation from PAC. You can set blocks related to patron records and blocks related to item records. Patrons are blocked according to the settings for the patron’s registered branch. Items are blocked according to the settings for the item’s assigned branch. See Set blocks on patron-initiated circulation and ebook circulation.

Patron initiated circulation: Transacting branch

Specifies the loaning branch for eContent circulations from the PAC.

See Set the Loaning Branch for eContent Circulations.

Patron registration user defined fields

System, Library, Branch

Defines the labels for free-text and drop-menu user-defined fields (UDFs) in patron records, and the possible options from drop-menu UDFs. (The labels are set up at implementation.) Individual branches can specify which drop-menu UDF options to display, determine the order of display, and designate a default See Setting Up User-Defined Fields.
For information about setting default values for UDFs in the staff client, see Setting Patron Registration Required Fields and Defaults and Setting Express Registration Defaults and Requirements. For information about setting default values for UDFs for PAC online registration, Set up online patron self-registration.

Retain deleted record sets System Specifies whether patron record sets are retained in the database when they are marked for deletion.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes.

Waiver approval threshold Staff Specifies the maximum dollar amount in fees the staff member can waive for patrons. The default is $0.00