View Orders and Refund Credit Card Payments

To view credit card orders and refund credit card payments from the Credit Card Payments Manager:

You need the system Circulation permission Access Credit Card Payments Manager: Allow to do this procedure.

  1. Select Utilities, Credit Card Payments Manager from the Polaris Shortcut bar.

The Credit Card Payments Manager - Orders view opens.

  1. List credit card orders using one of these methods:
    • Set the Start Date and End Date of the period for which you want to display credit card payments (orders). You can type the dates or click the down arrows and select the dates from the calendar. Then click Search.
    • If you know the reference identification number of the payment—for example, the patron has brought in a credit card bill that lists the payment—click CreditRefFind.gif. The Find Using Reference ID dialog box appears. Enter the payment reference number and click Search.

The workform lists the order search results.

You can see detailed information about an order without opening it. Right-click the order line item and select Properties from the context menu.

  1. To open an order, right-click the order line item and select Open from the context menu.

The Store Order workform - Details view opens. This view shows the details about a single credit card order. For example, if the patron paid two fines in a single order, and credits were later issued on these fines, the Store Order workform lists both the fines and the credits.

The patron address is not displayed in the Store Order workform - Details view for payments made via Comprise SmartPAY.

  1. To issue a refund on the credit card, select one of these options:

You need the Polaris permission Fines: Allow refunds to issue a refund on a credit card account. If the payment gateway is Comprise SmartPAY, a SmartTerminal must be connected to the workstation. The same card that made the payment must be used.

  • Refund one payment - Select the payment (product) and click RefundOne.gif in the workform toolbar. Or right-click the selected payment, and select Credit Refund from the context menu.
  • Refund all payments - Click RefundAll.gif in the workform toolbar.

If a transaction was voided, you see VOID in the Net Sale box, and you cannot select refund options. A transaction may be voided automatically if the credit card address information could not be verified.

If the payment gateway is Comprise SmartPAY, swipe the patron’s card. Each refund requires a card swipe. If you are refunding three separate payments, you must swipe the card three times.

The credit receives a transaction reference number, and will be subtracted from the payer’s credit card account balance. If the payment (product) was made by a library patron on a library-related charge such as an overdue fine, the credit transaction appears in the patron’s Transaction Summary (Patron Status workform - Account view).

To see details about each transaction related to the order, click the Transactions view icon StoreOrderTransBtn.gif in the sidebar of the Store Order workform.

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