Circulating Ephemeral Items

Using Polaris Quick-Circ, you can circulate items that are not intended for full cataloging and generate circulation statistics for these items. For example, items suitable for quick-circ circulation might include old mass-market paperbacks or pamphlets.

Quick-circ items differ from regular items in that they have no conventional Polaris item records. They circulate with no due dates, no fines, and no overdue processing. They cannot fill hold requests. They do not count against any patron borrowing limits, and they are not displayed in the patron’s items out list or in a patron’s reading history. A quick-circ item is identified only by a barcode, assigned branch and collection, and material type. The primary advantage of Polaris Quick-Circ is in tracking and reporting circulation of these kinds of items. Quick-circ item circulation is included in many Polaris circulation reports.

See also: