Checking In Quick-Circ Items

It is not necessary to check in quick-circ items. However, if you want to track quick-circ item check-ins for reporting purposes, you can check them in through normal and bulk check-in, just like conventional items. When a quick-circ item is checked in, the Comments column on the Normal or Bulk Check In workform notes that the item is a quick-circ item. For more information about check-in procedures, see Doing Normal Item Check-Ins or Doing Bulk Item Check-Ins.

The status of quick-circ items belonging to other branches does not change to In-Transit at check-in.

Quick-circ items can also be checked in offline. They are logged in the normal offline check-in process. The transaction is recognized as a single quick-circ item check-in during the offline file upload, and the offline upload report records the transaction.

Quick-circ items are not recognized during in-house or inventory check-in. If a quick-circ item barcode is scanned during these operations, the system displays a message that the item record cannot be found.