Setting Up Course Reserve Records

Course reserve records store course, term, and instructor information, and maintain links to the items that have been placed on reserve for the course. The course reserve record is also linked to a patron record that contains information about the instructor.

When you create a new course reserve record, you can select the course name, course number, and section number from options set in Polaris Administration, or you can select a course from a list of existing courses. If the appropriate course information is not available for selection, you can type the information. The new information is then added to the new course reserve record and to the Polaris Administration tables, so it is available for selection in other course reserve records for your branch. However, options for the term/year, school/division, and department must be set up in Polaris Administration. See Set fine receipt options.

The default values and available options in the Course Reserve workform are set in Polaris Administration. See Set fine receipt options.

Finding Existing Course Reserve Records

Use Limit by options to focus your search, and Sort by options to sort the results list.

Select Cataloging (or Patron Services), Course Reserve Records to search for existing course reserve records with the Find Tool. You can search by the following access points:

To find a course named The Middle Ages, you can type the middle ages, *middle ages, or *middle. If you type middle ages, the search does not find the course record.

There are two History 101 sections, section 01 and section 02. If you type 101, the results list includes both sections (as well as any other courses numbered 101). If you type 101 02, the results list includes only History 101 section 02 (as well as any other courses numbered 101 section 02).

You can right-click a course reserve record in the Find Tool results list, and select Links in the context menu to access linked item and instructor records.