Make a Claim

To assign a claim status to a patron’s checked-out item:

  1. Display the patron’s record in the Patron Status workform. See: Find patron services and related records.
  2. Select View > Items Out or click Items Out button to display the Items Out view.
  3. Tip:
    If an item in the list is a serial, the serial designation (enumeration The designation reflecting the alphabetic or numeric scheme used by the publisher on an item or assigned when the holdings statement is created to identify the individual bibliographic or physical parts and to show the relationship of each unit to the unit as a whole. and chronology The date(s) used by the publisher on a serially-issued bibliographic unit to help identify or indicate when it was published. The chronology may reflect the dates of coverage, publication, or printing.) is added to the title. You may need to expand the title column to see the designation.

  4. Select the appropriate item or items from the Items Out list, and click above the list. To select more than one item, press CTRL and click the items.
  5. The Make Claim dialog box opens.

  6. Select a claim status (Claim Returned or Claim never had) in the Status box and click OK.
  7. The Make Claim dialog closes and the Items Out view appears. The item or items no longer appear in the Items Out list because the item status has changed.

    To view claimed and lost items, select View > Claims ;or click to display the Patron Status workform - Claims view. You can link to an item record from the Claims view. Right-click the item in the Claims list, and select Print or Item Record.

  8. If a message appears asking if you want to apply the claim status to all selected items, click OK to confirm that you want to apply the status.
  9. Note:
    To resolve a claim, you must check in the item. After the claimed item is checked in, the item no longer appears in the Claims list.

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