Display Item Record Information

To display the Item Record workform:

You need specific permission to access item records, and to modify the various Item Record workform views.

  1. Right-click an item in the Patron Status workform - Items Out view, the Check Out workform, or the Check In workform, and select Open from the context menu.

The Item Record workform opens.

You can also open an item record by searching for it with the Find Tool. Select Cataloging > Item Records on the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

You can see a summary of useful circulation and other information in the item record’s property sheet. In a Find Tool results list, right-click the item record and select Properties from the context menu. On the item Record workform, click PropBtn.gif.

  1. Select a view:
    • Select View > Cataloging or click CatBtn.gif to see circulation and request settings, and call number details.
    • Select View > Circulation or click CircBtn.gif to see current and past circulation data, hold information, and details about In Transit and Transferred transactions. To open the current or last borrower’s record in the Patron Status workform - Items Out view, select Links > Borrower, or double-click the patron barcode in the Current borrower or Last borrower field. If the item is being held for a patron, you can open the patron’s record in the Patron Status workform - Requests view. Select Links > Held For, or double-click the patron barcode in the Held for patron field. The Held at field shows the pickup branch when the request status is Held, Unclaimed, or Shipped. See Working with Interlibrary Loans.
    • Select View > Source and Acquisition or click SourceBtn.gif to see acquisition information such as price, funding, and order details, information about the imported bibliographic record, if any, and donor information, if any. This view also shows circulation statistics, the item’s first available date, and the item’s last inventory date.
    • Select View > Notes and Notices or click NoteBtn.gif to see an item’s notice history, notes, and blocks. When an item has a note, the Notes and Notices icon changes to yellow NotesBtnYellowItem.gif. When an item has a block, the Notes and Notices icon changes to red ItemBlockIcon.gif. See Working with Blocks (Stops).
    • Select View > History or click itemrechistvw.gifto see the circulation history of an item as it circulates, including the method by which the item was checked out or renewed. This view also shows the item’s home branch and whether it is allowed to float, information that is useful if your system uses floating collections.

Your library may choose to remove patron ID information from the item record history after a specified period of time.

  • Select View > Reserves or click ResBtn.gifto see circulation settings that apply to the item if it is placed on reserve for a course, and a list of the linked course records. If the item is on reserve, this view opens first. See Borrow By Mail Circulation.