Community Setup for PAC Display

Polaris Administration settings control how Community information records are displayed in the Polaris PACs (PowerPAC and Mobile PAC); the default display of community events; the search options available for library users to find community information; and the search facets available for filtering community information. When a staff member creates a community record in the Polaris staff client and the record is set to Display in PAC, the community information will display in the Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC according to these administration settings. Your library can also customize PAC text and messages related to Community Profiles using Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin). For instructions, see the Polaris Language Editor Guide or Language Editor online Help.

After creating a Community Information record, the staff member can designate anyone with a patron account as the community representative. Then, that designated representative can log into their account in Polaris PowerPAC and edit the organization record. See Designate a Community Representative.

Then the representative edits their community organization's information from their PAC account. See Editing Community Records in PAC. Since these instructions are based on the default PAC interface, they may require modifications if your PAC interface is customized.

If your library also offers the Polaris ContentXChange feature, see Administering ContentXChange for information regarding the library setup. See Using ContentXChange for instructions the organization representative uses to incorporate ContentXChange features into their organization’s website.

See also: