Community Profiles Reference

These profiles control PAC navigation and search options for community information. The profiles are available on the Profiles > Community tabbed page on the Administration Explorer, at the listed organizational levels.


Org Level


Default Setting

Community Information Display (Mobile PAC): Configure

System, Library, Branch Specify the data elements that appear in the brief, full, and summary displays for community information in Mobile PAC search results. See Configuring the PAC Community Results Display.  

Community Information Display (PowerPAC): Configure

System, Library, Branch

Specify the data elements that appear in the brief, full, and summary displays for community information in PowerPAC search results. See Configuring the PAC Community Results Display.


Community Information: ContentXChange marketing message

System, Library, Branch

Specifies a brief (255 character maximum) marketing message that displays on an organization’s website with any features the organization representative has added to the site using ContentXChange: Powered by <library name> <marketing message>, where <marketing message> is the text you specify with this profile. See Specify an Optional Marketing Message. You can edit the Powered by portion of the message in WebAdmin; the string ID is CXC_POWEREDBY.

Blank (no message)

Dashboards: Narrow your search & related searches

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the facets that appear for the Narrow Your Search and related Searches web parts in the dashboard for community information search results. See Community Search Results Facets in Polaris PowerPAC.


Days to continue showing event in PAC after event end date

System, Library, Branch

Sets the default number of days to display an event in a PAC user’s search results after the event end date, as specified in the staff client or PAC editor. The default setting is 7. The number of days can be manually edited in the staff client or PAC editor.


Default view of events in PowerPAC

System, Library, Branch Sets the default view of community events in the PAC: View as a list or View as a calendar.  

Navigation (Mobile PAC): Community - Keyword Search

System, Library, Branch Displays the Community Keyword search option on the Mobile PAC Community menu. No

Navigation (PowerPAC): Community

System, Library, Branch Displays the Community option on the Polaris PowerPAC menu bar. No

Navigation (PowerPAC): Community - Browse Search

System, Library, Branch Displays the Community Browse search option on the Polaris PowerPAC Community menu. No

Navigation (PowerPAC): Community - Keyword Search

(System, Library, Branch)

System, Library, Branch Displays the Community Keyword search option on the Polaris PowerPAC Community menu. No

Navigation (PowerPAC): My Community Profile

System, Library, Branch Displays the Community option on the Polaris PowerPAC My Record menu for logged-in patrons who have been designated as organization representatives.


Search Settings Defaults

System, Library, Branch Specifies default search settings for Community Browse and Community Keyword searches in PAC.