Cataloging Profiles Reference

These profiles are available when you select ProfilesCataloging for the listed organizational levels in the Administration Explorer. For more information, see Cataloging Administration.


Org Levels



Automated MARC validation: Authority

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether the format of MARC authority records is checked automatically when the record is saved for the organization or resource.


Automated MARC validation: Bibliographic

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether the format of MARC bibliographic records is checked automatically when the record is saved for the organization or resource.


Automatically populate authority heading in Find Tool during check headings System Enables or disables the automatic population of the heading in theAuthority Records - Heading Find Tool when checking for duplicate headings. Yes

Automatically sort MARC Authority Records

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether the MARC tags in an authority record are sorted automatically when the record is opened or saved for the organization.


Automatically sort MARC bibliographic records

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether the MARC tags in a bibliographic record are sorted automatically when the record is opened or saved for the organization.


Bibliographic records: Automatic display in PAC processing


Opens a dialog box where the automatic display in PAC options are set for bibliographic records.

Bibliographic records: Warning for records saved with display in PAC unchecked

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning message appears when users save a bibliographic record that does not have the Display in PAC checkbox checked. This warns the user that the saved record will not display in the PAC.


Bring call number fields from bib to item record when link is made

System, Library, Branch, Staff, Workstation

Specifies whether the call number fields from the bibliographic record automatically complete the appropriate boxes in the item record when the staff member creates a linked item.


Bring price from bib to item record when link is made

System, Library, Branch, Staff, Workstation

Specifies whether the price from the bibliographic record automatically fills the Price box in the item record when the staff member creates a linked item.


Campaigns truncation option

System, Library, Branch

Opens a dialog box where the number of characters to display in the campaign headline, midline and footer are set.

Check headings immediately after bib replace

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether bibliographic record headings are checked immediately after they replace other bibliographic records.


Copied item records default to In-process

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether copied item records get a default status of In-process.


Copied item templates default to In-process

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether copied item templates get a default status of In-process.


Default directory

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Displays the Default Directory Setup dialog box which specifies the folder used as the default path for cataloging functions. The folder can be a shared folder on the network or a folder on the staff computer. Each workstation can have a different default directory.

The default is: C:\Polaris Reports

Default shelving scheme for new item and holdings records

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the default shelving scheme that appears when you create new item and serial holdings records.

Dewey Decimal

Delete MARC tags when saving Z39.50 tags to local databases


Specifies whether tags set up for deletion from incoming bibliographic records in the Bibliographic Tags to Retain/Delete policy table are also deleted from bibliographic records when the records are found via a Z39.50 search of a remote database and saved to the local database.


Display MARC field description

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether descriptive MARC tag names are displayed in the following locations:

  • MARC21 view of the Bibliographic workform

  • MARC21 view of the Authority workform

  • MARC view of the Bibliographic Record workform in Leap


Import blackout times


Specifies the times when no importing jobs can be processed for the library system. Double-click to open the Import Blackout Times dialog box to enable and schedule the blackout times.

Item bulk change: Warning if changing the Assigned or Home branch

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning appears when you are bulk changing item records and you have selected to change the Assigned or Home branch.


Item records: Records with duplicate barcodes can be saved provisionally

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether item records can be saved provisionally if they have duplicate barcodes.

The default is Yes; to disable, select No.

Item records: Warning if changing the Assigned or Home branch

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning message appears when you change the Assigned or Home branch on an Item record.

The default is Yes; to disable, select No.

Item records: Warning for items saved with display in PAC unchecked

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning appears when item records are saved and they do not have the Display in PAC box checked.

The default is Yes; to disable, select No.

Item records: Warning for items saved without barcodes

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning appears when an item record is saved without a barcode.

The default is Yes; to disable, select No.

Item records: Warning for items saved with modified barcode

System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether a warning message appears when an item record is saved with a modified barcode.

The default is Yes; to disable, select No.

MARC validation immediately after bib replace

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether MARC validation is performed automatically after a bibliographic record replaces other bibliographic records.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes.

MARC Validation: Authority


Opens the MARC Validation Editor - Authority where you can specify how authority records are validated.

MARC Validation: Bibliographic


Opens the MARC Validation Editor - Bibliographic where you can specify how bibliographic records are validated.

Maximum number of files to import

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the maximum number of files that can be included in a single import job.

The default is 100; the limit is 1,000.

Override Cataloging blocks


Specifies whether the selected staff member can override permission blocks in cataloging functions. Staff members with this permission must also be allowed to do the restricted functions.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes.

Remote automatic authority control

System, Library, Branch

Displays the Remote Automatic Authority Control Defaults dialog box where you enable automatic authority control, specify the Z39.50 server and database to search for authority records when no matching records are found in your local database, and specify the length of time (in seconds) to search before timing out.

Retain deleted authority records


Specifies whether authority records are retained in the database when they are marked for deletion.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes.

Retain deleted bibliographic records


Specifies whether bibliographic records are retained in the database when they are marked for deletion.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes

Retain deleted cataloging record sets System Enables the system to retain deleted cataloging record sets. Yes

Retain deleted item records -


Specifies whether item records are retained in the database when they are marked for deletion.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes.

Retain deleted record sets


Specifies whether cataloging record sets are retained in the database when they are marked for deletion.

The default is No; to enable, select Yes.

Subfield 9 cleanup utility


Controls the cleanup utility that deletes processed tags from bibliographic records. Specifies the tags to check for the presence of a $9 and the time period (relative to the day the utility is run) to check.

No defaults are set.

Web App: Remote databases: Maximum number of records to return System, Library, Branch Specifies the maximum number of records to return in the result set for each remote database in Leap. The default is 250. The maximum is 999.
Web App: Remote databases: Maximum number that can be searched at once System, Library, Branch Specifies the maximum number of local or remote databases that you can search at one time in Leap. The default is 10. The maximum is 25.
Web App: Remote databases: Maximum search time (seconds) System, Library, Branch Specifies the maximum number of seconds to actively search all selected databases. The default is 30. The maximum is 300.