Setting Up Workstations

A Polaris workstation is a directly-networked computer that runs the Polaris staff client, Polaris Leap, or Polaris® ExpressCheck™ software. Workstation records store information such as permissions, printing defaults, and barcode recognition defaults.

Workstation records are set up and maintained in Polaris Administration with the Workstation workform. Each workstation record is associated with a parent organization. You can use the Workstation workform or the Administration Explorer to view workstation information, change permissions, parameters, or profiles, or remove the workstation from the Polaris system. For details, see Workstation workform.

You may want to set certain computer IP addresses as “in-house” for authentication purposes, even though they are not registered as networked Polaris workstations. For more information, see Identifying In-House Computers.

You can also set up a workstation to be designated as a terminal server for the Leap web application.

See also: