Staff Client Profiles Reference

These profiles are available under Profiles > Staff Client in the Administration Explorer, at the listed organizational levels.


Org Level


Default Setting

Allow Windows authentication when Automatic logon is not enabled

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Provides integrated security without automatic logon. See Automatic Staff Client Log-On.


Automated object lock clearing: Age of lock to clear System Determines which object lock entries the Clear Object Locks SQL job removes. When enabled, the Clear Object Locks SQL job runs hourly and removes entries from the Object Locks database table that are older than the number of hours specified in this profile. For more information, see Managing Record Locks. 12

Automatic logon

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Automatically logs on the Windows-authenticated workstation user to the staff client. See Automatic Staff Client Log-On.


Barcodes: Item format definition

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the format used to test item barcodes scanned during various operations.


Format: length, prefix

Valid Input: [0-9] any number

Barcodes: Patron format definition

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the format used to test patron barcodes scanned during various operations


Format: length, prefix

Valid Input: [0-9]

Client and server version must match


Enforces a check to be sure the Polaris database and staff client version numbers match. When this profile is set to Yes and the version numbers do not match, the user receives a message when attempting to log in to the staff client, and the log in is prevented. The message includes the specific version numbers of both the application server and the client for troubleshooting purposes. Leave this profile set to Yes except in the rare support situation where you are installing a new Polaris client version without upgrading your application server.

Yes (enabled)

Client visual alert configuration


Sets an alert message at staff client sign in and/or custom title bars for a particular server; for example, a training server. See Visual Cues for Staff Client Log-On Server.

No message, no custom colors

Client/server locale settings must match

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Enforces consistency in date and currency formats. The system checks that the server and client workstation are set to the same locale. If this profile is set to Yes, and the client and server settings do not match, the staff client sign in fails and a message regarding the local settings appears. (The setting does not apply to offline clients.)


Client/server time discrepancy check: Enable

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Enables an automatic time discrepancy check between server and client workstation to ensure consistency in transaction records.

Yes (enabled)

Client/server time discrepancy beyond built-in 5-minute window (minutes)

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

If you enable the time discrepancy check, the system allows a 5-minute discrepancy between client and server time settings. If you want to add more time to the allowable 5 minutes, specify the number of additional minutes (0-999).


Client/server time discrepancy warning message

System, Library, Branch

If you enable the time discrepancy check, this message is displayed at staff client sign in when the discrepancy between client and server time settings exceeds the system’s 5-minute margin but is less than any additional minutes you have set. Use this profile to specify the message text.

Warning: Client time setting is more than 5 minutes different from server setting

Client/server time discrepancy violation message

System, Library, Branch

If you enable the time discrepancy check, this message is displayed at staff client sign in when the discrepancy between client and server time settings exceeds the system’s 5-minute margin plus any additional minutes you have set. The sign in fails. Use this profile to specify the message text.

Log-in failure! Client time setting discrepancy with the server setting is beyond the configured threshold!

Default view selected when bibliographic record opened

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the Bibliographic Record workform view that appears when a bibliographic record is opened, regardless of how the record is opened. See Set the Bibliographic Record workform opening view.

Default view selected when item record opened

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the Item Record workform view that appears when an item record is opened, regardless of how the record is opened. See Set the Item Record workform opening view.

Default view selected when patron status opened

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the Patron Status workform view that appears when the workform is opened, regardless of how it is opened. See Set the Patron Status workform opening view.

Display state in address: Patron

System only

Determines whether the state is displayed in the Find Tool and table views for patron addresses. Applies to Staff Client and Leap.

If this profile is set to Yes, and the patron's record includes a state, it appears in the patron's address. If the profile is set to No, the state field is not displayed.


Find Tool: Default number of records to return in a result set

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the value that appears in the Number of records to return box when you open a new Polaris Find Tool. This setting limits the results returned by a Polaris Find Tool search. See Setting Find Tool Profiles.


Find Tool: Filter search results by permission


Specifies whether search results are automatically filtered according to the permissions assigned to the staff member and workstation. See Setting Find Tool Profiles.

Yes - Search results are filtered; If set to No, search results display all records that meet the search criteria, regardless of permission settings.

Find Tool: Override SQL search blocks


Specifies whether the staff member can override permission blocks on saving an SQL search, modifying a saved SQL search, or deleting a saved SQL search. See Setting Find Tool Profiles.


Find tool/record-set-to-record-set creation: Record set size warning threshold

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the number of records that will trigger a warning message when the user has specified automatic record set creation from the Find Tool results list or from another Cataloging record set - item to bib, bib to item, authority to bib, or bib to authority. If the results set reaches or exceeds this number, the warning message gives the user the opportunity to cancel the record set. See Setting Find Tool Profiles.


Find Tool: Use initial article table

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the default setting for the Use Initial Article Table checkbox on the Polaris Find Tool. This setting defines whether words listed in the Initial Article table are ignored if used in the Search For box. See Setting Find Tool Profiles.

Yes – The Use Initial Articles box is selected for each new Find Tool.

Find Tool: Use language scoping display

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the languages that display in the Find Tool Value box when you limit by Language on the General tabbed page or in the Qualifier box on the Scoping tabbed page. See Setting Find Tool Profiles.

Yes – The languages are limited to the entries specified in the MARC Language Scoping Display policy table for the organization.

Generate security history


Specifies whether changes to permission assignments are logged. To see the history, right-click the permission in the Object list (Administration Explorer, Security) and select Properties. This profile affects all permissions at every administration level. See Granting Permissions.

Yes – Permission changes are recorded in logs.

Label Manager open using

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies whether the Label Manager displays the label setup for cataloging labels or serial labels when it is first opened.

Cataloging Options – The Label Manager opens with the label setup for cataloging labels.

Labels: Automatically generate label for each item record created

System, Library, Branch

Specifies if labels are automatically generated when an item record is saved.

Yes – Spine and pocket labels are automatically generated when a new item record is saved as final.

Labels: Automatically generate label for each SO and SUBS check-in

System, Library, Branch

Specifies if labels are automatically generated when a standing order An order placed with a vendor or the publisher directly for all publications in a series, all volumes in a set, or all publications of a single publisher. part or subscription issue is checked in.

Yes  – Serial labels are automatically generated when a part or issue is checked in.

Labels: Cataloging label type

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the label type (stock) for cataloging labels.

Labels: Cataloging print method

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies the default printing method for cataloging labels.

On Demand  – Labels are printed as they are generated. Best for continuous-feed label stock.

If set to Batch, generated labels are appended to a label file until the staff member chooses to print the labels. Best for sheet label stock.

Labels: Options

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Displays the Label Configuration dialog box where you specify the dimensions, font, alignment, and content of spine, pocket, and serial labels. At the Workstation level, only the Settings tab is available; the Content tab is available at the other levels.

Labels: Serial label type

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the label type (stock) for serial labels.

Labels: Serial print method

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies the default printing method for serial labels.

On Demand - Labels are printed as they are generated. Best for continuous-feed label stock.

If set to Batch - Generated labels are appended to a label file until the staff member chooses to print the labels. Best for sheet label stock.

Library documentation - staff client

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Specifies the path and file or URL to display when Library Documentation is selected from the Help menu on the Polaris Shortcut Bar. Each workstation can display a different file or web location. The file type you use must be supported by the software on the staff computer. You can use any valid path and file on the computer or a network resource; if you use a URL, begin with http://.

Patron phone number format definition System Add and select phone number format for a defined list of countries
Patron phone number format validation: Phone Call System Enforce selected country phone number format for phone calls

Patron phone number format validation: Txt Message System Enforce selected country phone number format for text messages

Permissions: Use Polaris-defined new permission defaults


Accept or override any Polaris default settings that grant new permissions at upgrade. See Permission Assignments at Upgrade.

Yes (accept any default settings that grant new permissions)

Proxy Server

System, Library, Branch

Specifies the proxy server that SQL Server Reporting Services should use if the web server is outside the firewall.

Receipt printer control codes


Specifies the features (expanded, bold, red, auto-cut, cash drawer) available for specific receipt printers, and allows you to add printers.

Receipts: Cash drawer opens for cash payments only

System, Library, Branch

If the receipt printer is set up to open the cash drawer, this profile can be set to Yes to open the cash drawer only when the receipt is printed and the payment is in cash.

Receipts: Support Epson ILS

System, Library, Branch, Workstation

Enables hold pickup and in-transit slip data to be exported to Epson ReStick printers.


Report Server

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies the server and services URL where SQL Server Reporting Services, the Report Manager, and Report Designer (if you use it) are located. Also controls what organizations are displayed for report parameters and, at the System level, how the maximum number of entries displayed in report parameter lists.

Spine Labels (Dewey): Carriage return after decimal

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Indicates if a new line should be started after the decimal on spine labels, if the library is using the Dewey shelving scheme.

No – Does not start a new line after the Dewey Decimal number. Prime marks may create new lines, if allowed.

Spine Labels (Dewey): Prime mark to generate carriage return

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Specifies the prime mark in Dewey Decimal numbers used to indicate where a new line should start on spine labels. The prime marks must be inserted with the contents in the call number boxes on the Item Record workform.

None – New lines are not generated for prime marks.

If Apostrophe - A new line is started on spine labels when an apostrophe is encountered in the Dewey Decimal number.

If Forward Slash / - A new line is started on spine labels when a forward slash is encountered in the Dewey Decimal number.

Spine Labels (non-Dewey): Carriage return after space

System, Library, Branch, Staff

Indicates if a new line should be started after a space in the call number on spine labels if the library is using a non-Dewey shelving scheme.

Yes – A new line is started after the number.

Utilities: Web Browser default URL


Specifies the URL (255 character maximum) for the default webpage that opens from the Utilities > Web Browser option on the Polaris Shortcut Bar. If the value is blank, the menu option is disabled. See Setting a Default Web Page.

Staff Client - Web App Profiles
Web App: Analytics Enabled System

Specifies if Innovative can see anonymous analytics data generated in Leap.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Approval Dashboard Default weeding status filter System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff

Specifies the weeding status filter applied to requests for approval displayed in the weeding Approval Dashboard.

Applies to Leap only.

Not specified
Web App: Custom 1 URL System, Library, Branch Specifies the URL that corresponds to the Web App: Suppress Link: Custom 1 setting. When a user selects the Custom 1 menu option, Leap opens the website you specify here. The URL must begin with http:// or https://.
Web App: Custom 2 URL System, Library, Branch Specifies the URL that corresponds to the Web App: Suppress Link: Custom 2 setting. When a user selects the Custom 2 menu option, Leap opens the website you specify here. The URL must begin with http:// or https://.
Web App: Default view selected when item record opened System, Library, Branch, Staff, Workstation

Specifies the opening view of the Item Record workform in the Polaris web application, Leap.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Display patron age in patron info System, Library, Branch

Specifies whether Leap displays a patron's age in the Patron Record > information.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Display reason and note fields during Reset Due date System, Library, Branch

If set to Yes, the Reason list (as defined in the User Defined Due Date Modification Reasons policy table) and Notes field appear when a Leap user resets an item's due date. To require that a reason is specified when the due date is modified in Leap, set the Patron Services profile, Due date modification: Reason required to Yes.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Library Documentation URL System, Library, Branch Specifies the URL that corresponds to the Web App: Suppress Link: Library Documentation setting. When a user selects the Library Documentation menu option, Leap opens the website you specify here. The URL must begin with http:// or https://.
Web App: Item Create Workform default item template Staff Specifies the default item template selected for the Leap user. When the user creates a new item record, the default template is used. None
Web App: Recent records to retain: Bibliographic System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff Specifies how many recently opened bibliographic records display in the Polaris Leap Workform Tracker. 2
Web App: Recent records to retain: Item System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff Specifies how many recently opened item records display in the Polaris Leap Workform Tracker. 2
Web App: Recent records to retain: Patron System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff Specifies how many recently opened item records display in the Polaris Leap Workform Tracker. 2
Web App: Request Manager Default Hold request status filter System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff Specifies the status filter applied to hold requests displayed in the Leap Request Manager. Active
Web App: Request Manager Default ILL request status filter System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff Specifies the status filter applied to ILL requests displayed in the Leap Request Manager. Inactive

Web App: Request Manager Default INN-Reach requests status filter

System, Library, Branch, Workstation, Staff Specifies the status filter applied to the INN-Reach requests displayed in the Leap Request Manager. Active
Web App: Suppress Field: Additional TXT Message System

Indicates whether the Additional TXT Message field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: County System

Indicates whether the County field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Country System

Indicates whether the Country field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Extended Loan Periods System

Indicates whether the Extended Loan Periods check box is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Fax System

Indicates whether the Fax field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Former Barcode System

Indicates whether the Former Barcode field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Increased Check-out Limit System

Determines whether the Increased Check Out Limits checkbox appears on the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only. See "Increasing Check-out Limits by Branch" in the Leap help for more information on this feature.

Web App: Suppress Field: Language System

Determines whether the Language field appears on the Details view of the Item Record Workform in Leap.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Phone 3 System

Indicates whether the Additional TXT Message fields is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Statistical Class System

Indicates whether the Statistical Class field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Text Messaging Phone System

Indicates whether the Text Messaging Phone field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Title System

Indicates whether the Title field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: UDF1 System

Indicates whether the UDF1 field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: UDF2 System

Indicates whether the UDF2 field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: UDF3 System

Indicates whether the UDF3 field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: UDF4 System

Indicates whether the UDF4 field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: UDF5 System

Indicates whether the UDF5 field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Username System

Indicates whether the Username field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Field: Zip + 4 System

Indicates whether the Zip + 4 field is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress Link: Custom 1

System, Library,


Determines whether the Custom 1 option appears in the Utilities menu in Leap. When a user selects the Custom 1 menu option, Leap opens the website specified in the Web App: Custom 1 URL setting.

To modify the menu option text that appears in the user interface, update the following Staff Web Client string identifier in the Web Admin (Language Editor) Tool: SWC_CUSTOM_1.

Web App: Suppress Link: Custom 2

System, Library,


Determines whether the Custom 2 option appears in the Utilities menu in Leap. When a user selects the Custom 2 menu option, Leap opens the website specified in the Web App: Custom 2 URL setting.

To modify the menu option text that appears in the user interface, update the following Staff Web Client string identifier in the Web Admin (Language Editor) Tool: SWC_CUSTOM_2.

Web App: Suppress Link: Library Documentation

System, Library,


Determines whether the Library Documentation option appears in the Help menu in Leap. When a user selects the Library Documentation menu option, Leap opens the website specified in the Web App: Library Documentation URL setting.

To modify the menu option text that appears in the user interface, update the following Staff web Client string identifier in the Web Admin (Language Editor) Tool: SW_CI_LIBRARY_DOCUMENTATION.

Web App: Suppress Link: PAC

System, Library,


Indicates if the link to PowerPAC appears in Leap's Bibliographic Item workform's Actions menu. No
Web App: Suppress View: Associations System, Library, Branch

Indicates whether the Associations view is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress View: Messages System, Library, Branch

Indicates whether the Messages view is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Suppress View: Notes System, Library, Branch

Indicates whether the Notes view is suppressed from display in the Leap Patron Registration workform.

Applies to Leap only.

Web App: Use Local Item Availability Display Order on Local Items View System, Library, Branch

Determines the use of the Item Availability Display Order table to control the presence and order of local items on the Local Items view.

Web App: Use waiver request action System Indicates whether the library uses the "Waive" action or the "Waiver Request" process to waive patron fees. No - use "Waive" action