Enable eReceipts and specify their content

To enable eReceipts and specify their content:

  1. Confirm that the following e-mail prerequisites are set up for the organization:
    • In Polaris Administration, set the PAC profile Email notification: Server running SMTP service for the organization. Use the computer name where the SMTP service is installed.
    • Set up reverse DNS in Active Directory for your network. Reverse DNS is used to authenticate a sender’s address with the domain. This step helps ensure your patrons will receive their e-mail receipts. As a security measure, certain Internet service providers block e-mail to their users if they cannot find the sending server.

    These settings are also necessary for e-mail notification. See Delivering Notices By E-mail.

  2. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Parameters folder for the organization, and select the Patron Services tabbed page in the details view. The parameter is available at the system, library, or branch level.
  3. Double-click EReceipt options. The EReceipt Options dialog box opens.
  4. Check Enable e-mail receipts, Enable TXT receipts, or both. When at least one option is selected for the patron’s branch, you can select the eReceipt option in the Patron Registration workform.
  5. Note:
    eReceipts must be enabled for both the patron’s branch and the check-out (log-on) branch in order for the patron to receive the check-out eReceipt.

  6. To enable renewal eReceipts from PAC, check Send receipts for renewal from PAC. For more information about eReceipt options in PAC, see eReceipt Options in Polaris PowerPAC and Mobile PAC.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Set the optional content for eReceipts:
  9. Note:
    Your settings for the check-out branch determine the content of e-mail receipts and TXT receipts.

  10. Double-click the Patron Services parameter Check out receipt options. The Check-out Receipt Options dialog box opens. Options checked in the left column apply to both printed and e-mail receipts. See also: Set check-out receipt options.
  11. If you want to include additional content for e-mail receipts, select Include Custom note from printed receipts or Include summary data in the E-Mail receipts (additional) list. The custom receipt note is set up on the circulation workstation, from the Polaris Shortcut bar.
    • Include custom note from printed receipts: allows you to type a custom note. On the circulation workstation, select Circulation, Options from the Polaris Shortcut Bar, and type the custom text in the Circulation Options dialog box - Receipt Printer Options tabbed page.
    • Include summary data: automatically adds the following patron account information:
      • number of items currently checked out;
      • number of open requests (the total number of Hold requests with a status of Active, Inactive, or Pending, and the number of ILL requests with a status of Active or Inactive);
      • number of items (ILL or Hold) with a status of Held;
      • total amount of unpaid charges.
  12. In the TXT receipts list, check the content options for the TXT receipt. Because text messages must be brief, the set of content options for TXT receipts is separate and more limited than the content options for printed and e-mail receipts.
  13. Note:
    Subject, introduction, and footer text for eReceipts can be customized in Polaris Language Editor (WebAdmin). See Patron Record Settings for eReceipts.

  14. Click OK.

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