Setting Up Automated Offline Processing

With automated offline processing, libraries can automatically retrieve offline files from library workstations and load them into the database without library staff intervention. When automated offline processing is enabled via a system-level parameter, all transactions (files with a .TRN extension) for patron registrations, check-ins, and check-outs are pulled from the designated offline workstations to the server.

The designated offline workstation could include a terminal server located on the same network as the library’s SQL server.

The process then uploads the transactions to the Polaris database, renames the .TRN files with a .DON extension, and logs the results of the upload. Upload logs are generated for each branch or for all offline branches, and then the logs are emailed to specified staff members.


When calculating fines for uploaded check-in transactions, the system uses the number of days specified in the Patron Services Administration parameter Free days (bulk).

See also: